Sunday 21 January 2024

Death is the end of that which is evil or worthless; resurrection is the eternal life of all that is Good

The past is not gone (not necessarily gone) - yet neither is the entirety of everything that ever happened locked forever into reality. 

The past is taken-up into creation eternally -- yet not all of the past. (That would indeed be a curse!)  

This is because of death and resurrection (both): 

Death is the end of that which is evil or worthless; resurrection is the eternal life of all that is Good: all that is of-Love. 


Iain M said...

These words told me something I really needed this morning. I am comforted by this. Thank you.

Bruce Charlton said...

@Iain M - Thanks for letting me know. It encourages me to "keep on blogging" when I hear that what "pops into my head" - as I sit sipping coffee in the early morning - often has positive relevance for someone else. Indeed; for me it is a confirmation of purpose and meaning in this created world.

Mia said...

See, now, if only any one of the dozens of so-called Christians in my family had explained it this way when I objected to only saying nice (mostly false) things at funerals! If we were truly all-in on materialism, would we turn away from it faster, I wonder?