Saturday 6 April 2024

The Great Gates of Wossit? by Mussorgsky - and other politically-corrected musical titles

First - from Pictures at an Exhibition - Mussorgsky's Great Gates of... Kviy, isn't it? 


Then, one of my favourites - Mozart's Praha Symphony:


That old popular classic warhorse: The Warszawa Concerto:

And that perfect synthpop single: Wien by Ultravox


Alexey said...

This is funny since Mussorgsky was of a fire nation and no way would've call his piece according to the oppressed minority language, and it is incorrect to change the original title. But language is the ultimate brainwash instrument, you simply create new pronunciation, or word, then make everyone use it one (as sex was replaced with gender for example). BTW did you listen Myssorgsky's "bydlo"? It's my favourite.

WJT said...

Shabbat of Color is another favorite.