Monday 7 October 2024

The importance of our-selves, as individual persons, for The World - is a plain fact

Modern metaphysical assumptions have made us very unsure about the value (even validity) of the individual person. 

All our explanations and schemes of value (including morality) are about people in general. There is intense interest in politics, nations, society, and group categories such the The Poor, Women, (some) Races, The Environment; or about abstractions such as Health, Equity, Sustainability...

This creates an insoluble problem about the individual person - according to our explanatory schemes, his value seems negligible, he seems to be valid only as a group member, or insofar as he contributes to some abstract goal.

When the individual takes an individual stance, regards himself as significant on a cosmic scale of things; this seems to be selfishness, pride, greed, or a pathological paranoia... 

We are culturally only comfortable when people assert and live-by their own insignificance. 

Yet Of Course the individual personal is significant - and all other significance is derivative of the importance of individual Beings and their relations.

Our difficulties with this are artefactual, self-created by false ideas: the difficulties are due to wrong and evil assumptions. 

Of Course the individual is significant in the Big Picture, indeed at the level of the Cosmos. 

To say this is not insane arrogance but plain Christianity!

If each individual person were not significant, then God would not have created individual persons.

The salvation of one person is clearly of the greatest importance to Jesus.  

To believe in the insignificance of the individual is not modesty, it is not humility; but it is instead an abandonment of responsibility
We are born-into this world (as babies, as young children) knowing that we are significant. That confidence is innate because God-given.

It is therefore a demonic snare to deny our significance to The World; just as it is another demonic snare to strive to impose our-selves upon The World. 

Our personal importance for The World is a fact that does not require any action to make real - what matters is what we do about the fact.