Sunday 13 October 2024

What is "The West" for? From William Wildblood

Any civilisation worth that name must be organised around spiritual principles. 

From ancient Egypt to Greece to India, and even Rome when it began, God or the gods were at the centre of life, formed the culture and gave meaning to the civilisation. 

For the West that organising principle was Christianity which was the greatest expression of spiritual understanding there has been. In fact, all the other expressions might be said to be from the outside looking in. 

Only Christianity really comes from the inside. That, of course, is the meaning of revelation. Christianity or, better put, Christ is the greatest revelation of and from the spiritual world. 

There really is no doubt about this. Christ is the only religious personality utterly without flaw or limitation. 

The West existed for the expression of Christianity

That is what gave it its greatness. Not uniquely for there were many tributaries but the main river into which all these tributaries fed was Christianity. 

Some people think the West is defined by science and has reached its greatest state following that pursuit but even science arose in a Christian context with natural philosophers seeking to understand God's creation. And whether it has reached its apogee pursuing science or sunk to a spiritual nadir is a question worth pondering. 

When the West started to abandon Christianity it lost sight of itself.

From William Wildblood's blog - Read the whole thing.


In this post, William W encapsulates the nature of our current situation. The West has declined profoundly, and is dying before our eyes and in real time. 

And the West has become, overall and by motivation, the main force for evil in the world today. 

Why? In a nutshell; because the West exists for the expression of Christianity, and when the West started to abandon Christianity it lost sight of itself. 

Consequently, our rapid and comprehensive decline is both inevitable and necessary - necessary because without its reason for existence, the West has become a dreadful monster; destroying the world by striving to impose its suicidal "Western values" everywhere, even as it consumes itself through self-hatred. 

For the West now, as always and at root, it is all about Christianity. Only in Jesus Christ can there be valid and sufficient answers; and there can be no good excuses for avoiding this topic, no matter how un-promising it seems. 

The question is not whether or not Christianity, but yes Christianity and then to discover and create what Christianity truly means for us personally, here and now. 

Avoiding the catastrophic errors of the past: finding the means of an experienced living faith, a strong faith - the possibility of a Christian life among pervasive corruption. 

This is not idle speculation: we must have an answer - for our-selves if not for our society. 

Otherwise, the default continues to be willed-annihilation, on a global scale. 

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