The Litmus Tests to which I so often refer on this blog, are a mixture of old and new - they are continually being added-to.
I first conceptualized them in 2020 in reference to the Birdemic and Peck, which were added onto much longer established Totalitarian Establishment strategies - such as pacifism, socialism, feminism and sexual revolution, antiracism, climate change etc.
Since 2020 there have been further Litmus Tests, such as (especially in the UK) the war against the Fire Nation. And currently there is a Litmus Test with reference to taking sides in the civil war that is splitting the globalist materialists of the Totalitarian Establishment.
(Or apparently so - because the civil war may ultimately, at the highest level, be a faked show put-on to manipulate the masses.)
It is pretty clear that the Litmus Tests never stop. As commenter Laeth has said; each new Test probes for different vulnerabilities among those people (and institutions) who had been able to hold-out against being assimilated into active support to the Totalitarian Agenda*.
Thus the healthism of the Birdemic/ Peck led to the corruption of most of the the holdouts among mainstream Christian churches... Conservative Catholics, Evangelicals and Mormons that had resisted the sexual revolution; became wildly-enthusiastic about closing their churches and suspending activities until further notice; and imposing lockdown, atomistic social isolation, and habits of systematic interpersonal fear.
Later; some of those who had successfully resisted the Birdemic manipulations, then joined with a nationally-orchestrated, media-constructed, Orwellian "two-minute hate session" against the Fire Nation - a two-minutes that has continued for three years, so far (and which is still actively attempting to create a self-annihilating all-out state of war, with the UK as prime target).
The current situation wit hte new President in the USA is but the most recent Litmus Test. This has, like previous tests, been able to subvert and "turn" a significant proportion of those "holdouts" who had resisted the Birdemic and Fire Nation Tests. It seems that perhaps a majority of "based" online anti-woke, self-identified Christians; have gone all-in for an almost delirious combination of schadenfreude with this-worldly-optimism; the whole thing focused on various Antichrist-figures among the mainstream, totalitarian establishment.
In one sense these Litmus Tests can be understood as an almost inevitable consequence of the increasing power of Satan and his demons and human servants within this-world - clearly, they will continue to win more-and-more souls to an more-certain (self-chosen) damnation.
On the other hand they may perhaps be seen as tests allowed by God; because of the opportunities each one brings for a different kind of spiritual learning, and therefore spiritual development - an education in preparation for our post-mortal resurrected life.
(Which education is, IMO, the purpose of our sustained mortal life. We each continue to live because we have more that it would be good - and perhaps essential - for us to learn.)
However, I personally do not see the Litmus test as allowed by God nor as a divinely ordained method of spiritual education. Instead I see them as things that God cannot prevent, in this world as it actually is.
My understanding is: The Litmus Tests originate variously, but become strategies due to their potential for evil and are sustained for that reason.
They are not of-God; but God can and does (as always) make the best of the bad situations that result, because of his love for each of us, as His divine children.
And we should take the same attitude of making the best spiritual use of the situations. We should regard the Litmus Tests as direct challenges - not to our peace/ prosperity/ comfort/ convenience; but challenges to our innermost spiritual freedom, the primacy of Christian love, and the requirement for absolute personal responsibility.
The core part of this is realizing that, for all their geopolitical qualities, the Litmus Tests are Not primarily about material circumstances for large numbers of people in this-world - on the contrary; their true primary reality is directed at the free individual human soul; who always-can and needs-to discern reality in-and-for-himself; whatever the pressures and distractions of this material and social world.
*Note: As I have previously said; the special significance of Litmus Tests, as with all temptations to sin, is that failure on even a single Test can be sufficient to induce a person to choose reject salvation and choose damnation. Therefore, it is a misunderstanding to express satisfaction that some particular person or institution has passed one, or several, or a majority of the Litmus Tests. In principle and in practice; even when just a single Litmus Test is failed, then that may be a sufficient basis for corruption and inversion of values. And this is made much more likely because the Global Totalitarian Establishment will reward and amplify any such failure; to convert passive acquiesce into active support.
I don't like orange man
@A - Okay, but you get no credit from me for double negative values!
(Those who don't like the orange man are "a dime a dozen" - and are mostly determined rejecters of God, creation and salvation.)
The only robust and lasting safeguard against failing Litmus Tests past/ present/ to come; is what we are positively-for, not what we are negatively-against.
The Venn diagram of all the prior litmus test failures (e.g., those who cheered for the mandatory peck, the antiracist goons, etc) overlaps with precision those who are outraged at the very existence of Mssrs Trump and Musk.
one further angle is that, even if one does 'pass' the litmus test, one can still fail to learn the proper lesson, which is perhaps the most tragic. i am thinking, for example, of those who 'passed' the birdemic, but that took the lesson from it that they should become 'survivalists' of some kind; or the ones who saw the western hatred of the fire nation but then became staunch supporters of the other side, as if it wasn't just another kind of evil totalitarianism. maybe it is easier to go from there towards a positive and true lesson than from complete failure, but i'm not entirely sure, it might also mean one becomes more entrenched in the wrong answer. it seems to happen a lot. and this is yet another way the devils have to entrap the ones not originally caught in the net of deceit.
@Stephen M - Overlaps mostly, but not exactly. And it is the area of non-overlap - the previous Litmus Test holdouts who have now followed the lead of Trump at al, over the divide to join a faction of the totalitarian Establishment - that concerns the powers of evil who have arranged this latest LT.
@Laeth - "still fail to learn the proper lesson" - Important point.
Another example is those who saw through the scam of the Birdemic-Peck, but from an ultra-healthist POV - and who are focused on promoting or selling allegedly more effective or safer therapies and remedies.
I don't see the FN war as symmetrical in evil, uniquely among current conflicts; since I would judge that one side has had - up to now - genuinely Christian, hence positively admirable goals.
Nonetheless - as things stand - all major nations are totalitarian, hence intrinsically evil (whatever Christian views they may espouse).
In a nutshell, to be actually good, totalitarianism must be replaced by theocracy.
yes indeed, and the healthist and survivalist angles are quite related too from my observations.
as for the fire nation, I don't believe the purported motives of their leaders, or the apparent health of their society - i don't think they are interested in the prosperity (spiritual and physical) of their people anymore than the west. sure, they seem to be less self-destructive, but i don't think it's more than a semblance, and anyway the west provides a very, very low bar anyway. I also don't think their christian leadership is any better than the western one - just beset by different sins and ambitions. tying icons of the virgin to bombs is not my idea of christianity, and in a way it offends me more than tying rainbow flags to them. and lastly I don't believe the slavs are much further back in their consciousness so that theocracy - as it existed at one point and was healthy - would be anything but a sham and a cloak for totalitarianism. in other words, i think the whole conflict is a fake, on both sides, and motivated by evil, in the end. a war between ahriman and sorath, essentially.
If This World could experience any form of enduring improvement toward Good, it would certainly have done so under the direction of Christ 2,000 years ago. But matters had already so deteriorated by the time He came on the scene that He completely abandoned the Israel project in favor of a Second Creation.
I would that more Christians understood this.
@Laeth - While I too deplore the ghoulish enthusiasm for the FN in all aspects; I think they are genuinely different from other nations in terms of consciousness and destiny - so I disagree with your analysis. It's a case of them being distinct from not-them, generalizations do not necessarily apply; as I say - asymmetry. But this is a matter of personal discernment, not of evidence - which can never settle such matters - and I am not trying to persuade others. And anyway, it is not a subjects where debate is a valid discourse - so I don't intend to discuss the matter any further on my blog.
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