Sunday, 9 March 2025

"AI" and Schadenfreude

One of the multi-pronged and actively-corrupting effects of the current global establishment push of so-called text and image-generating "AI" is its encouragement (if encouragement were needed!) of that besetting sin of this time: Schadenfreude.  

I have come across many online binges of spiteful (almost erotic) glee, when people imagine the devastating effect that AI will supposedly have on destroying the livelihoods of journalists, illustrators, script-writers, novelists - and in general those involved in the visual and verbal aspects of mainstream media and public relations...

Nearly-all of whom enthusiastically put their talents in service to the agenda of value-corruption, and who appear to be 101% on-board with the demonic program of totalitarianism. 

The orgies of delight at what is hoped will be the deserved sufferings of these myrmidons of Satan is a certain evil in its own right... Which evil has nothing to do with the fact that these most of these people are apparently on the wrong side in the spiritual war of this world.

The idea that those destroyed deserve their sufferings, and that therefore it is right to take pleasure in their misery; is just one of those deadly rationalizations that prevent sin from being repented.

Therefore; the evil I describe comes from  resentment - not repented but instead actively celebrated, and rhetorically-intended to induce celebration in others. 

Of course; this is only a small aspect of the many evils that AI is planned to wreak upon the human spirit; yet it is a calculated consequence of the strategy of implementation, and deserves at least cursory acknowledgement. 


Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

As bad as most media people are, it’s absurd to think “AI” would be an improvement. So, as you say, any enthusiasm for the replacement must be motivated by Schadenfreude, or at least by double-negative thinking.

Bruce Charlton said...

@Wm - Indeed.

The plan, presumably, is that AI (which is produced and implemented by humans such as computer and electronic engineers) will replace many more humans than were previously need for the job. Once the AI is up and working; presumably those behind the AI wave *believe* that it is a more top-down controllable and direct way of achieving their evil strategies

The only way AI could be "better" from a Christian POV is if it "they" are wrong about AI having equal (or superior) functionality (as I believe they mostly are) - so that AI turned out to be (as it currently is) more inept at achieving the strategies of evil than the net effect of humans it has replaced.

So we are back at the usual decrease in functionality aka destruction.

And that would bring us back to the idea that Ahrimanic-totalitarian evil is currently being replaced by Sorathic-destructive evil.

Yet, the Schadenfreude celebrations emanate most from those who claim they desire to restore a functional and Christian civilization.

At some point there needs to be a recognition that the destructive impulse does not have the slightest tendency to lead to creation - no matter what that destruction is aimed at.