Sunday, 16 March 2025

Benefit of the doubt? Supporting net-evil

A lot of self-identified Christians believe that it is right and "Christian" to give institutions and powerful persons "the benefit of the doubt" when they claim good motivations. Or even when they espouse bad intentions.

This is assumed to be good in principle or at least harmless.

Not so, because when an institution i corrupt, untruthful, net-evil, then to fail to discern such reality, to support it; is to join with the side that opposes God, divine creation, and The Good - and thereby oneself to become spiritually corrupted.

Surely we ought to support Good not evil? How can it be right to lend spiritual (maybe material) aid to Satan?

Why not set-aside manipulative and self-annihilating propaganda that tends to ur damnation. We should instead discern, and keep learning - and when we err, we should repent.