We know for sure that all the Western leaders are puppets*.
So when the puppets of the USA "fight" the puppets of European nations, then both puppets are being controlled by the same entity.
When the puppeteer makes the puppets fight each other, this is because a fight is a necessary part of the plot, part of the driving narrative.
*I don't know exactly who is the puppeteer-entity, the covert strategic intelligence/s controlling the puppets from outwith the public gaze.
I don't know, and am not going to waste my time guessing -- because I do know who controls the puppeteer - and that is sufficient.
"I do know who controls the puppeteer - and that is sufficient."
It is, isn't it?
Yet that calls the whole "all authority comes from God" assumption into question. Best to not go there and just assume that these are the people God wants in power. After all, who are we to question authority?
@Frank - I was thinking about this today, and provisionally concluded that one of the difficulties of this mortal life is that what is observed is a mixture of (in no particular order)
1. Divine Creation,
2. Demonic (and human) evil, and
3. the workings of entropy/ death.
These are interwoven - and it is a necessary aspect of this mortal life that we discern (as best we may) which of the three causal-possibilities is applicable in any particular situation.
It is certainly possible to ignore one or two of these, and to explain everything on the basis of just one or two factors; but this leads to incoherence and paradox - which then must be ignored, denied, or made into "a mystery" -- or else (if the divine is left out altogether) it leads inevitably to a kind of insanity rooted in despair.
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