It gets more and more obvious that nihilism is the the problem: denial of reality - denial that reality is real.
Denial that there is objective truth and humans can know it.
Nihilism eats away at everything Good: it has destroyed art, architecture, literature, science, education politics - and much of the Christian church.
Once the question has asked - what can we answer?
Once it is asked - How is that known? Why not do this instead? Then modern man is paralyzed, because he has no reason to believe he knows anything at all.
Much is possible to innocent natural people that is not possible to us.
The hunter-gatherer may live in the moment without consideration for meaning or purpose - just live - but merely ask the question why and that possibility is gone forever.
All such questions have but one terminus: divine revelation.
We can only know anything by purposive divine revelation - we must believe that the divinity (who knows, and wants us to know) has built-into-us (natural law), or told-us, that which we depend upon.
Divine revelation is a metaphysical necessity without which nothing else is possible - once the question has been asked.
And we cannot un-ask the question; once innocence has gone, it cannot be retained.
The innocence of a child cannot be replicated and recovered by effort, training, technology, art, drugs, brain surgery nor by anything else: modernity is post-innocent and attempts to restore innocence are its greatest corruptions, its most profound decadence.
Modernity is doomed metaphysically; therefore inescapably.
By its atheism, by metaphysically removing divine revelation from its necessary position as the basis of all discourse; modernity has undermined its own foundations; and all that remains is for the superstructure to collapse into the pit.