Thursday 22 November 2012

Not Even Trying - my latest book is now published.


Bruce G. Charlton. Not even trying: the corruption of real science. University of Buckingham Press: Buckingham, UK, 2012. pp 156. ISBN: 978-1908684189

Available from


If you want to buy a copy, that will encourage and reward the publisher - but I have waived royalties so as to put the book online in text form after one year.

I think this is the best-written book (albeit a tiny book!) that I have so far managed to do - probably the best of which I am capable.

The book is derived from this blog, so thanks are due to those who helped it by stimulating me to write the original postings, and responding to them. 

BTW: The book has been read by about a score of people, and all but two of them think I go too-far in my criticisms of what-calls-itself 'science'.



perfidy said...

Will there be an electronic version?

perfidy said...

Will there be an electronic version?

Bruce Charlton said...

@p - it will be available on Kindle, if that's what you mean.

bonald said...

Hi Bruce,

Congratulations on getting this out. I don't remember if I was one of the two who didn't think it went too far, but I certainly benefitted from reading it. More and more professional scientists (at least the young ones like me) at least seem to be realizing that something is wrong with the current system. The more decades that go by without the major breakthroughs we had gotten used to, the harder it gets to not notice their absence.

(I think that in my emails I more or less agreed with you, but I came off sounding moderate because I hope to find some way for American large scale science to supplement a future elite of scientists doing science the classical way. I of course have a strong personal interest in taking this line.)