Thursday 15 November 2012

The greatest preaching I have ever heard - Martyn Lloyd Jones




Anonymous said...

I was discussing the Sermon on the Mount with my church group leader- who is working on a theology MA- and this inspired him to get the Martin Lloyd Jones book of sermons on the Sermon on the Mount, and his wife said he now reads it obsessively. He got me a copy too but I haven't been able to read the whole thing, just parts.

davidsbaker said...

Amazing as i was recommended by Ray Gaydon to listen to these yesterday!

Alan Roebuck said...

I've been reading MLJ's "Joy Unspeakable: the Baptism and Gifts of the Holy Spirit," in which he supports what might be called "mere Pentecostalism," a Pentecostalism governed by the Bible and Reformation principles.

I was vaguely aware of Dr. Lloyd-Jones before, but I'm glad to have found him. He's very impressive. And thanks for the links to the sermons.

Alan Roebuck said...

More of MLJ's sermons can be heard here:

Bruce Charlton said...

@Alan - Sounds like a good theme for a book. I've ordered the one on spiritual depression.