Thursday 3 July 2014

What the 1960s counter-culture got *right*


The effect of 'the 1960s' is a decidedly mixed picture - with evil swiftly predominant, but originally some good. 

The good stuff was, I think, seeking a cure for what was perceived as alienation and aiming for the ‘re-enchantment’ of everyday life. 

This included an insightful and accurate of the radical deficiencies of traditional and mainstream Christian churches: their cold heart-lessness, abstraction, the obtuse failure to address core aspects of the modern malaise.


But this good was soon (quantitatively) overwhelmed by the destructive effects of the sexual revolution (on marriage and family), and of the politically correct counter-culture (on all traditional forms of social order). 

The net effect of the sixties has therefore been overwhelmingly destructive.


Sex and politics have also (quantitatively) overwhelmed the New Age spiritual movement (or whatever it may be called). 

There was, and is, a genuine element of what might be termed 'spiritual progress' going across and through the decades... 

Yet in most people and institutions and places, the 'progress' is almost entirely diagnostic - and the prescriptions and results are generally appalling.


So, when learning from the post-1960s movement, I feel a need for a great deal of filtering. The people, the institutions, are mostly corrupt, worldly, prideful.

However, the effort is sometimes necessary – because often the counter-cultural  diagnosis has been acute; and it is a diagnosis which is still unappreciated and unaddressed by mainstream Christianity; yet until the nature of the problem has been understood, treatments will continue to be ineffective.


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