Sunday 4 August 2019

Are You prepared to die?

This is the vital question asked by William Wildblood at his blog.

He concludes:

Death is the summation of life and should be completely accepted. If you submit to God's will in this matter and resign yourself to his keeping in humility then whatever you may or may not have done in your life you will be all right. The creature is returning to the Creator and that is a tremendous thing to be faced with a sense of awe but also wonder and excitement. It is only the person who rejects his Creator who need fear death.

My impression is that the mainstream attitudes to death are:

1. I never want to die and I won't think about it. I will do everything in my power to stay alive.

And/ Or:

2. I want to die quickly and painlessly, with total annihilation of consciousness, as soon as I stop enjoying life.

The main agents of hope are technology. On the one hand massive technologies of life support and intensive therapy to sustain life - many people wanting to 'live forever' (at any cost, even if as only a brain, or a computer download).

On the other, escalating propaganda and demands for a comprehensive bureaucratic system to provide painless killing on demand (euthanasia).


Anonymous said...

All are conditioned by birth to have at the fore of knowledge that eternity is, and it is good.

Matthew T said...

It's weird, this mainstream attitude. I remember once browsing through some doctor's magazine, and there was an advertisement for life insurance, the blurb was along the lines of "no one really likes to think about dying, but... you need to." No one likes to think about dying? In a doctor's magazine?! What the heck?

Ugh said...

As someone with a chronic condition I guess I think about my own death more than most. I'm not afraid or even worried since it's inevitable. When I feel that pang, maybe heartburn, maybe this is the big one????? I marvel at what goes through my mind. Not fear or regret or anger what have you, but sympathy for my wife having to deal with it alone, and sorry that we won't get to travel as she desires after our retirement. I feel bad for feeling good about being with Jesus and not her in the years to come. I'm not afraid for myself, but for my wife.