Sunday, 1 November 2020

Because we co-create the world...

It is a deep truth that we co-create The World: not just 'our' world, not just subjectivity, not just the world 'as we personally perceive it... But that we co-create the objective world*. God is the creator; Man lives as part of God's creation; and Man co-creates reality in the context of God's primary creation.

(We co-create The World including the world of 'science' - which is rooted in the false assumption that the whole truth of reality can be made the subject of a discourse between humans, which discourse ignores/ excludes human consciousness.)   

When our creativity is un-conscious - which it nearly always is - then it is un-free. 

Our un-conscious creativity is passively swept-along by external influences. Here-and-now this means that our un-conscious creative activity is being-manipulated


Because Modern Man chooses to be un-conscious of his co-creating; he can be and is manipulated in his activities by those Beings who are conscious of the reality of Man's co-creating, but who oppose God's work.

Our creat-ing is, in actuality, being-manipulated into destruction; into the destruction of divine creation. Human creation has been turned-against God's creation. 

That is the meaning of the prevalent and increasing value-inversion of these times. When Man's values are inverted - so sin is seen as virtue, ugliness beauty, and lies are truth - then Man's creative activities have-been turned-against God's primary reality. 

Man's un-conscious, manipulated creat-ing is then made destructive of divine creating.


In a nutshell: When Man is un-conscious of co-creating reality, he is un-free; and (thus self-blinded, thus self-made helpless), has-been manipulated into destruction --- Then, Man has joined-with Satan in the destruction of divine creation, of God's plan for our salvation and thesois, and of the Goodness this makes possible. 


And, since God is Love; therefore un-conscious Modern Man has joined Satan's mission against Love - his intent to dis-place and re-place Love with sin (e.g. pride, fear, resentment, despair, and their wages of death as chosen-annihilation of the spirit). 


But when Man's co-creating is conscious and freely-chosen; then we cooperate with God in the work of divine creation; we change the (objective, real) world: for the better. 

Therefore - unless we are objectively to aid in the Satanic work of destruction  - we must become aware of our work of co-creation; and we must choose (voluntarily, from our freedom) to work with God, to work on God's side

And doing this will, In Fact, make a better creation: a better world.


*This may best have been explained in Owen Barfield's book Saving the Appearances. The above post was stimulated by my reading (in a particularly intuitive mode of thinking) a strange and inspired lecture by Rudolf Steiner, from 1919.