Tuesday, 28 January 2025

If Beings are primary, and physics is Not fundamental - then entropy needs to be reconceptualised in terms of relationships

I have harped-on about our civilization's false assumption that physics (or mathematics) is the ultimate reality - whereas I regard Beings as primordial. 

On teh other hand, I am about as prone as the next Man to continue the ingrained habits of thinking that regard the universe as having begun as a world of dead "matter" - of particles, fields and forces. 

Consequently, the picture in my mind of the concept "entropy" - to which I attach such importance, including as the fundamental reason why Jesus made available the Second Creation - is indeed, pretty much, the usual physics/ mathematical formulation

But if Beings are primary, then the causality of science is just a pragmatic model of reality, therefore not True (no matter how useful it may be, for certain purposes). 

So, entropy must be reconceptualised in terms of the relationships between Beings

(Which I am currently doing.)



Phil said...

According to Quantum mechanics, particles of the same kind are indistinguishable. This is built in because of the Exclusion Principle, where two electrons cannot occupy the same state. They are called Fermions, because the particle spin is half-integral (1/2 plus or minus N, where N is an integer). Particles which have integral spin (any integer) are called Bosons. The behavior of the two classes is completely different; electrons are Fermions & stay in their various shells, which is why we don't fall thru the floor. Bosons give us lasers, superconductivity, & all sorts of other "counterintuitive" (ie whacky) behavior. (I'm an actual Physicist, by the way).

So one of the first things to address is whether the beings are indistinguishable spiritually as well. It seems almost inconceivable, but then Physicists introduced the word "counterintuitive for a reason. I have started thinking about this & have not come up w/ anything so far.

Bruce Charlton said...

@Phil - You are treating this as a matter of science. I am doing metaphysics, which lies above and beyond science. You should consider the assumptions of science - and what they exclude; which is, indeed, everything except what they include. Physics is even more restricted, within science - as any real biologist would know.

Luke said...

I understand original participation and the group mind, to be relationships or an influence by another spirit other than God that we are connected to.
Likewise entropy might vaguely be thought of as the breaking down of the relationships between say, the most powerful organizing spirit (other than God) and the related, subordinate spirits such that the complexity of consciousness and personality cannot be maintained here. (I think I'm using Barfields entity concept here and extending it upward. ) Coupling that with your ideas on the Second Creation and the First, then it seems to me that entropy could be understood as basically the natural refusal to be coerced, or the inability to maintain coercion for eternity?

Francis Berger said...

Very good!

Lack of or limited relationships. A myriad of relationships of all sorts, with all sorts of Beings in their various forms, encompassing the spectrum of emotions and connections, yet all ultimately entropic in nature. Everlasting relationships based in love and freed of entropy (and death). These are the "stages" of beings as I envision or understand them, at least for now.

dilys said...

It is probably inappropriate here to plunge in too far, but I have been meditating on John 1:1, 'the Word was with God, the Word was God.' If 'particles of the same kind are indistinguishable,' and being 'with God' means 'inclined in like manner,' then the Persons and Trinity needle-threading can be set aside. And man can lean into being similarly inclined.
The depths in John's Prologue promise to be as foundational as Genesis 1:1.