Q: Why are "Anonymous" comments reliably worthless?
A: Because of their provenance...
That is to say; Anonymous comments are worthless because of the kind of people who comment Anonymously.
Which is why this blog is set-up to delete Anonymous comments unread.
Example: Just yesterday I noticed that there was an Anonymous comment in the deleted files of my blog - intended for a short post, which I ended by writing:
"If you want to comment (but not anonymously!)"Furthermore, at the top of the sidebar of this blog, the first paragraph opens with the statement, or warning:
"Anonymous comments are deleted without being read."
On top of which, as part of the actual form used for submitting each specific comment for moderation, is the phrase:
"Comments are moderated. "Anonymous" comments are deleted without being read."
Just think about it - someone who commented Anonymously on yesterday's post had to ignore three statements Not to comment Anonymously - two of which made clear that to do so was futile.
Consider that despite All This, someone commented Anonymously.
This example says a great deal about the people (or entities) which comment Anonymously; and why it is that Anonymous comments are deleted without being read.
Do you get many anonymous comments? Roughly 100% of mine are regular commenters who forgot to sign in.
@Wm - It varies widely. Usually none. If I write about socio-politics, more. get linked from secular "based" sites, I can get a fair few. In the past, I got some apparent trolls/ shills - which was why I set up the deletion filter.
@Wm - Checking the deleted file, I see that this has been a bumper day with *three* Anonymous comments shunted into oblivion already! Apparently the trolls/ shills/ bots (or whatever) are currently experiencing a resurgence of interest in expressing themselves on this venue. A case of "speak of the devil" perhaps?
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