Wednesday, 22 January 2025

US public opinion being successfully prepped for war

The current patriotic mania apparently escalating among so many of the erstwhile disaffected US population of anti-leftist instinct and European descent - so far fits with my hard-timeline geopolitical prediction of an imminently upcoming fake pennant event being used to trigger massive US involvement in a Middle Eastern war. 

If so, this has been a clever manipulation - because just a few months ago there would have been little enthusiasm for a "Patriotic" war (for "US interests") among the class of Americans who are most inclined to support the military. 

But currently, these oh-so-recent cynics about state-led political projects, have become wildly enthusiastic supporters of the government; and pin great hopes upon the capacity of official power to turn-around the nation, and recreate the kind of conservative-materialist-utopia of prosperity and accomplishment that they associate with the 1950s, or 1980s. 

The ex-cynics would, in this prevailing mood, surely support their adored Leader in whatever military venture he regarded as necessary.  

Time will (and soon) tell whether or not the prediction turns-out correct. 

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