The exact figures will vary depending on what you search for, but on average Google delivers 0.0001% search results and 99.9999% censorship. You think those numbers are exaggerated, but they’re not. The Internet is no longer meaningfully searchable. It’s time to start relying more on serendipity and word of mouth.
I began to realize the extent of global totalitarianism when I realized that, despite that Google's 30 year old search engine had objectively gotten much much worse in functionality over the past 20 years - G. is still the best search engine (overall), by some margin.
Our choice as of 2025 is between a crap, and getting ever crappier, search engine - or something even worse.
Somehow, apparently, from what the masses are allowed to access; nobody in the world has been able to do better than a three decades old search algorithm, despite that the functionality of that algorithm has been deliberately all-but destroyed.
This is impossible - if the world of technological development and market competition is truly anything like it is supposed to be, as it is portrayed in public discourse.
Therefore, the catastrophic decline of Google Search and the failure to develop/ make available anything better; is conclusive evidence of the top-down political power of The System to control global usage of one of the most important single pieces of modern technology.
And if The Establishment controls this - then it must also control many other things.
Any yet, and yet... the vast majority are oblivious/ indifferent to all this!
Fatalism "we can't do anything about it" - leads on to nihilism "it doesn't really matter anyway" - then to a kind of denialism that refuses even to think about such things.
The reason is obvious, and the reason is atheistic materialism; which has it that whatever we (you and I) understand and know is of zero significance to the world; because understanding and knowing are (of themselves) merely subjective things, going on privately inside our skulls. Confined to brains; where the thoughts do nothing, and make no difference to "the world".
And the mainstream majority conclusion is that understanding and knowing does no good. In fact, they do harm, by making us miserable. (And in a finite material mortal life - there is literally nothing worse than "my" misery, now.)
The conclusion is therefore: best to go-with-the-flow, don't even try to understand; and make the best of... whatever is the current situation.
But if we inhabit a Christian divine creation; and if our personal understanding really makes a difference to objective spiritual reality --- Well, then it is well worth noticing, thinking, and trying to understand stuff.
So does it matter that the internet is no longer meaningfully searchable?
Yes it matters! Even though you and I can do "nothing" about it in a material/ political sense.
Because there is a life-lesson concerning the nature of this, our reality; there is some-thing that we ought to learn, and which it is good to understand.