Since we know God is Good, and that 'everything' is therefore Good; yet we also know that evil is real, then what happens to evil?
If there ever has been evil in the universe, then surely it cannot be gotten rid of - maybe it it sequestered somewhere, in Hell?
But then the universe would not be Good...
But evil is the destruction of Good; evil is, then, de-differentiation: the undoing of created order.
Thus evil is - at this ultimate and metaphysical level - a chaotic rearrangement.
Thus evil does the same as entropy, that is it undoes divine order: but does this will-fully, with malice, from pride.
Thus the main metaphor for evil has often been fire - and fire is the heat released by disordering the stucture of that which is burned: an excellent metaphor for the action of evil.
Since evil cannot create, it operates by destroying - and lives-off the heat generated by increasing disorder.
So what happens to evil?
It strikes me that because evil destroys creation, and that includes itself; then evil can be undone and made as if is had not been; since chaos is the raw material of creation.
(Primary creation is from nothing, secondary creation is order from chaos. )
So evil destroys itself and - if God wills - leaves not a wrack behind.
Reality remains untainted. Wholly Good.
Well, it seems to make a sort-of sense...