I am always surprised at how few Tolkien fans have read the early drafts of Lord of the Rings published as volumes 6-9 of the History of Middle Earth edited by Christopher Tolkien.
C.S Lewis complained that the first drafts of had too much 'Hobbit talk' - and below is one of the more extreme examples, which ended-up on the cutting room floor.
Note: 'Bingo' became Frodo; 'Odo' became Pippin; but 'Frodo' was replaced by Sam - who has a very different character and background.
Odo was not thinking about hobbit-history. He merely
wanted to know where to look for the farm. If Farmer Maggot had lived in a
hole, there would have been rising ground somewhere near; but the land ahead
looked perfectly flat.
‘He lives in a house,’ answered Frodo. ‘There are very
few holes in these parts. They say houses were invented here. Of course the
Brandbybucks have that great burrow of theirs at Bucklebury in the high bank
across the River; but most of their people live in houses. There are lots of
those new-fashioned brick houses – not too bad, I suppose, in their way;
though they look very naked, if you know what I mean: no decent
turf-covering, all bare and bony.'
‘Fancy climbing upstairs to bed!’ said Odo. ‘That seems
to me most inconvenient. Hobbits aren’t birds.’
‘I don’t know,’ said Bingo. ‘It isn’t as bad as it
sounds; though personally I never like looking out of upstairs windows, it
makes me a bit giddy. There are some houses that have three stages, bedrooms
above bedroom. I slept in one once long ago on a holiday; the wind kept me
awake all night.’
‘What a nuisance, if you want a handkerchief or
something when you are downstairs, and find it is upstairs,” said Odo.
‘You could keep handkerchiefs downstairs, if you
wished,’ said Frodo.
‘You could, but I don’t believe anybody does.’
‘That is not the houses’ fault,’ said Bingo; ‘it is
just the silliness of the hobbits that live in them. . . . If ever I live
in a house, I shall keep everything I want downstairs, and only go up when I
don’t want anything; or perhaps I shall have a cold supper upstairs in the
dark on a starry night.’
‘And have to carry plates and things downstairs, if you
don’t fall all the way down,’ laughed Odo.
‘No!’ said Bingo. ‘I shall have wooden plates and
bowls, and throw them out of the window. There will be thick grass all round
my house.’
‘But you would still have to carry your supper upstairs,’
said Odo.
‘O well then, perhaps I should not have supper
upstairs,’ said Bingo. ‘It was only just an idea. I don’t suppose I shall
ever live in a house. As far as I can see, I am going to be just a wandering
This very hobbit-like conversation went on for some
J. R. R. Tolkien, The Return of the Shadow (1988),
pp. 92-93. Vol. 6 of The History of Middle-earth, ed. C.Tolkien. H/T to http://users.bestweb.net/~jfgm/Letters/HobbitTalkPage.htm for transcribing the above.
Tolkien later wrote that he was 'personally immensely amused by hobbits as such, and can contemplate them eating and making their rather fatuous jokes indefinitely...'
I find I agree, on the whole; and have always found the Shire parts of LotR among my favourite parts of the book.
For those who share this taste, there is a great deal to enjoy in the first and last volumes of Christopher Tolkien's books on the History of the Lord of the Rings.