Excerpts from his first statement:
I want to say at once that one of the biggest challenges is to follow
a man who I believe will be recognised as one of the greatest
Archbishops of Canterbury, Rowan Williams. He is some one with a deep
love for Jesus Christ, an infectious spirituality, extraordinary
integrity and holiness, immense personal moral and physical courage, and
of course one of the world's principal theologians and philosophers...
Comment: "one of the greatest
Archbishops of Canterbury" - This ludicrous remark is a combination of dishonesty, incompetence and ignorance.
The work of the Church of England is
not done primarily on television or at Lambeth, but in over 16,000
churches, where hundreds of thousands of people get on with the job they
have always done of loving neighbour, loving each other and giving more
than 22 million hours of voluntary service outside the church a month.
Comment - It is significant that he does not mention among these secular activities anything Christian that churches should do; such as worship, Biblical teaching or evangelism.
We have seen the
wonderful hospitality and genius of the people in this country inside
and outside the church during this marvellous year of Jubilee and
Comment: What in Heavens name has the Olympics to do with the Church of England?
Because of that vast company of serving Anglicans,
together those in other churches, I am utterly optimistic about the
future of the church.
Comment: any serious reader will switch off at this point. Optimism is believing that things will turn-out well, and has nothing whatsoever to do with Christianity (which is about hope) - but anyone who sees any grounds for optimism in the catastrophic state of the C of E is either psychotic, demented, or calculatedly dishonest: in other words anti-Christian. Only an anti-Christian could be optimistic about the future of the Church of England - which teeters on the verge of irrevocable corruption - and it is absolutely vital that its leader recognize this, and operate on this basis.
...The House of
Bishops is very wise.
Comment: no comment.
The Anglican
communion, for all its difficulties, is also a source of remarkable
blessing to the world. In so many countries it is one of the main
sharers of reconciliation and hope in Jesus Christ. Anglicans today
stand firm in faith alongside other Christians under pressure in many
places, especially in northern Nigeria, a country close to my heart.
Comment: To say that Christians are 'under pressure' in northern Nigeria is a disgusting euphemism, literally disgusting.
...This is a time for optimism and
faith in the church.
Comment: What? The opposite is true - it is the time for Christian renewal of a horribly corrupt, wordly, expedience-driven institution which formally resembles the official 'Sergian' Russian Orthodox church under Stalin (de facto a branch of the government).
I know we are facing very hard issues. In 10 days
or so the General Synod will vote on the ordination of women as Bishops.
I will be voting in favour, and join my voice to many others in urging
the Synod to go forward with this change...
Comment: This is why he got the job.
also face deep differences over the issue of sexuality. It is
absolutely right for the state to define the rights and status of people
co-habiting in different forms of relationships, including civil
partnerships. We must have no truck with any form of homophobia, in any
part of the church.
Comment: Anyone above the age of consent who uses the word 'homophobia' except in order to highlight its revolting abuse as a totalitarian weapon of nihilistic oppression is on the side of evil. But here is the most 'passionate' part of the speech - the statement of 'principle' - and a focus on a vile, commissar's weasel-word providing unambiguous evidence of his intention to persecute real Christians.
The Church of England is part of the worldwide
church, with all the responsibilities that come from those links. What
the church does here deeply affects the already greatly suffering
churches in places like northern Nigeria, which I know well.
Comment: 'greatly suffering' is better than 'under pressure' - but he doesn't mention who is applying the pressure, causing the suffering...
I support
the House of Bishop's statement in the summer in answer to the
government's consultation on same sex marriage. I know I need to listen
very attentively to the LGBT communities, and examine my own thinking
prayerfully and carefully. I am always averse to the language of
exclusion, when what we are called to is to love in the same way as
Jesus Christ loves us. Above all in the church we need to create safe
spaces for these issues to be discussed honestly and in love.
Comment: The bile rises. " I am always averse to the language of
exclusion' - apparently except when the exclusion is being applied to Christians. Then he is very keen on the language of exclusion - having just said "no truck with any form of homophobia, in any
part of the church".
And focus on another vile, abusive, commissar's weasel word with 'LGBT': a very obviously disparate constituency, currently-united only in political demands for institutional preferences and unrelenting opposition to marriage and the family (hence real Christianity).
But when Welby says "Above all in the church we need to create safe
spaces for these issues to be discussed honestly and in love." this is where he hits rock-bottom; since he is using rhetorical tricks to put his opponents beyond the pale, as if there were any real Christians who would oppose such a notion; and yet at the same time he conflates proper Christian behaviour with 'safe spaces' - accepting without argument that most of Christianity is 'unsafe' for people of non-normal sexuality; and accepting that the solution to this 'hostile' environment is an essentially bureaucratic process of allocating specific times and places and persons (as if in a school timetable) for 'these issues' - implicitly set apart from Christianity - to be 'discussed honestly' - implying that at present these issues are dishonestly discussed specifically among Christians - and 'in love' again defining the Christian problem as being lack of love. Pah!
The first speech of the head of the third largest Christian denomination in the world is dishonest from top to bottom, inside and out.
This is utterly inexcusable from a Christian leader, and is indeed so extreme as to reveal Justin Welby as an anti-Christian; one whose energies and efforts will be devoted to subversion and elimination of the real Christian elements within the Anglican communion.
This is, in short, the last nail in the coffin of the Church of England, and the point where break-up of the denomination becomes not just a regrettable probability but a Christian necessity - the only hope for survival of Christianity within Anglicanism.
Well at least we know where we are, and what needs to be done.
We have gone from Archbishop Rowan, who was muddled, ineffective, pompous and mostly bored-by and indifferent-to Christianity; to Justin - who is the first systematically anti-Christian Archbishop of Canterbury.