Saturday 26 April 2014

What is the aim of the sexual revolution?


The aim of the sexual revolution is to eliminate all opposition to the sexual revolution.


The sexual revolution is a negative thing; its definition is negative, its operations are negations, it is defined by what it isn't. 


The sexual revolution does not, therefore, aim at achieving any particular state of affairs, nor does it favour any particular group of people.

The sexual revolution is not implementing a blueprint. 

The sexual revolution is not trying to, and never could, achieve a situation where it would say - Yes, THIS is it: our job is now to maintain things AS THEY ARE.


No - that can never happen; because there is no such state of affairs and no such situation (if there was, then we would no doubt have heard about it by now).

In sum: the sexual revolution is a permanent revolution: it is perpetual opposition; as it grows, it mutates to ensure it will have ever-more targets.


Like all subspecies of Leftism - the sexual revolution is negative: it knows what it is against, it knows what it hates - but it loves... chaos, disorder, transgression; the triggering and observation of disintegration.


The sexual revolution is 100% process.

That process is destruction.

That which is destroyed is The Good: anything which is Good, and even the concept of Good itself.


The sexual revolution is aimed at destruction of whatever has been or is; whatever tradition or religion or common sense or reason has valued - those things are just exactly what the sexual revolution wants to destroy.

The revolution wants to destroy the belief that sex is important; and it wants to destroy the idea that sex is unimportant; and it wants to destroy the idea that sex has a certain degree of importance. 


Ultimately, whatever people want to keep - for whatever reason; that is defined as precisely what the sexual revolution needs to eliminate.


Ultimately, the sexual revolution has only victims: there are yesterday's victims (chastity, stable marriage, stable families, men), today's victims (marriage itself, women) and tomorrow's victims (everything and everybody else).

But, sooner or later, everybody is a victim.  



Adam G. said...

I bet you're right, which means the left is fractal.

Bruce Charlton said...

@Adam - Yes. Fractal in this-worldly terms - but if the purpose behind the Left is destruction of Good, then fractality in this world is compatible (a consequence of) unity of purpose behind the scenes.