Sunday, 4 October 2020

Same payment for (much) less goods or services - the New Normal economics

This is my best guess for how things are currently working. We still pay people just the same or almost as much, but we get less or nothing for that money. Almost the same amount of virtual-money is circulating, but people are getting much less for it*. 

The cost is experienced in the fact of a massively reduced standard of living: people are still 'buying' (whether directly in fees, or through subscriptions, or via taxes) almost as much as they used to; but people simply can't do much. Often they are locked-in, to a greater or lesser degree; but even if they are not (not yet); still almost everything is either closed or very restricted; and everything that is not closed or restricted is much lower in quality.

While people are paying the same, they are getting much less. 

People continue to pay-out; but don't get-back. 


The function of the birdemic scam (and the climate change scam) is to reduce expectations, make people feel 'grateful' for any little thing they get-back (more accurately, for anything they are allowed) - and thereby to 'bridge the gap' between same output, but reduced input.

(Fear of being-allowed nothing-at-all, makes people grateful to pay more for... something - anything...)


Can it go-on? I don't know. Maybe. Probably - given the cowardly materialism of the masses, and the Satanic affiliations of all our ruling Establishment. 

It's a PSYOPS strategy, essentially; and enforcement success feeds-upon itself. 

When people are compulsorily confined to their rooms and unable to meet other humans (for obviously fake reasons, imposed arbitrarily and without appeal) - there is (or soon will be) no 'Real Life'. 

The virtuality becomes the only available option. 

Then people can be fed the necessary data and interpretations to sustain the New Normal via the (censored and controlled) social and mass media that are their only means of survival.   

*Note: What I find needs explaining is that previous significant economic depressions have been associated either with inflation - money rapidly losing value, unpredictably, with rising prices and wages; or else the opposite of de-flation - with mass unemployment, dropping wages and falling prices. Here we have not very much of either and (de facto) negative interest rates - which have been enforced by the near abolition of cash (so that - for the first time - people are compelled to pay banks for holding their money).