Monday, 12 October 2020

What if you fail the 2020 Litmus Tests?

A couple of days ago I listed what I consider to be the three Satanic Litmus Test issues that are dominant in 2020: these are the birdemic, antiracism and global warming. 

I think it is worth reiterating that what these Tests do is detect and identify those who are objectively on the side of Satan in the current spiritual war. 

The question of whether you are (overall) a nice person, or what is regarded as a 'good' person is irrelevant; whether you are a pious and observant church member is a separate issue; whether you live by Christian ethics to a higher degree than many or most people makes no difference at all. 

If you fail the litmus tests you are working-for Satan's triumph in this world, you are aiding his agenda - know it or not, like it or not, deny it or not. 

This ought to be very obvious to you, since the evidence is truly collosal and indeed overwhelming - and the fact that it is not obvious to you shows the depth of your unrepented sin. 

And it is unrepented sin that is decisive - as Christians ought to know.  

Note: Failing one (and if one, usually all) of these tests identifies a person as actively against God; but passing the test does Not (of course!) mean that one is a real Christian. To be a real Christian is a positive and voluntary committment; one must want and decide to follow Jesus to resurrected eternal life. Being a Christian doesn't happen (nowadays) without you knowing it (although it could happen after death).