Monday, 20 January 2025

Distinguishing Christianity from a/The Church

We just have to learn to distinguish Christianity from Church - whether that be "a Church" - churches in general; or The Church - which is your particular choice of church to believe-in and serve. 

This is a Must Do - or else, soon, there won't be any followers of Jesus left in the West (there are exceedingly few already, as it is). 

When Church is mandatorily (and willingly, apparently) incorporated into the bureaucratic and therefore value systems of globalist totalitarianism - Churches are (overall, on average, by general intent) part of the Satanic agenda. 

So, obviously we must stand apart from, and discern, and judge, our Churches! 

Non optional - if you are serious about being a Christian. 

And if you are doing this, then you also need to be clear and honest about the fact of it - and not pretend you are a "faithful servant" of the-real-true Church which is in fact a product of your discernment. As when somebody (or some small minority) define and redefine what the real-true church really is, such that they (the tiny minority) are the only real-true adherents of the real-true church...

That is plain dishonesty. That is actually standing outside of Church; it is personally discerning and judging that Church - but then dishonestly claiming that you are merely, being obedient to that real-true Church's objective and eternal divine authority!

So, if you are a serious Christian - you are already doing this. You are already half-way to being what I term a Romantic Christian...

But you are not all the way, because you are lying to yourself and other people about the core principles of your faith. 

Why do people say these lies? Partly from worldly motives. They want an objective and external Church as the basis foe a decent society. 

I understand this desire - but it is not on the table, it is not an available option - so it needs to be put aside. 

They also lie to themselves because they can't make sense of how to be a real Christian without objective external authority that demands obedience. They think that Christianity Must Be like that, because that was how it was regarded in the past.

These people need to do some hard thinking - about God. They need to make themselves believe what they say, that God is the creator and our Heavenly father - we are all his children; And that Jesus Christ really has offered us resurrection to eternal Heavenly life. 

They need to go back to this kind of deep and fundamental Christian conviction, and then try to see the world in that light; in the light of how such a creator must have made things, and how Jesus Christ must have set-up salvation so that all who desired it (i.e. who primarily wanted that which he actually offered) could achieve it. 

It's a stark choice between fundamental personal reflection on the essence of Christianity; and joining the side  of the devil - which is now, I'm sorry to say, the ultimate and spiritual side which has been taken by your Church... However much your Church pays lip-service to the language and concepts of Christianity.  



Stephen Macdonald said...

I joined our current tiny, close-knit church during the worst of the satanic hysteria over the peck. Our pastor publicly declared that the police could come and take him to prison, but that he would not compromise with evil. He refused to cooperate with all peck mandates, and kept the church open in defiance of nakedly evil orders to close it down (while liquor stores, abortion clinics, and Walmart remained open). All other churches in our area were enthusiastic partners in the worst of the wickedness -- notably the Catholic churches seemed particularly eager to lock their doors.

Most of our congregation are rural people who have been separating from the mainstream for years before the crisis of a few years ago. Not fully Amish or Mennonite, but similar in inclination. No technology is allowed in our little building, and the hymns would be familiar to anyone who attended church regularly in the UK in 1890. (Quite a contrast for me, an AI engineer).

The most surprising aspect to me is that my children immediately formed a strong attachment to this little group of people who are devoted to Christ alone. When asked whether they'd prefer to return to our previous large church with multiple large screens, pony rides, a pop band and other entertainers, fully equipped "youth centre" and "teen centre" with endless snacks, screens and video games -- they adamantly refused.

Bruce Charlton said...

@SM - I am pleased to hear that you find your choice of church and theology to be so helpful.

You have described the Good News of this institution, but I don't know what is the Bad News - given that all institutions that are employers, have accounts, involved in property etc are subjected to the evil mandates of totalitarian materialism.

The difficulty is that a Church can be described in a selective way to emphasize the (few) points on which is diverges with mainstream values - then everything sounds OK... But usually, when the Big Picture is taken into account, it can be seen that there is an on average and overall complicity with The System.

In this respect such churches resemble the (in reality) pseudo-alternative, controlled-opposition nature of *mainstream* supposedly-dissenting individuals, such as the incoming US President. One or a handful of instances of passing a Litmus Test; masks an *overall/ on average* acceptance and endorsement of The Establishment and its System.

If a church can be like a good family (i.e. a genuine affiliative love relationship), then it can (at present) stand outside of The System - otherwise not; and the question is them whether the church recognizes and repents its unavoidable complicity in evil.