Saturday 4 July 2015

IQ Age - A better way of expressing intelligence in children


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Some tests do what you recommend in the post. I took the Woodcock Johnson achievement test at age 11, and recently claimed my results when the school district was clearing out its file cabinets.

The test provided both percentile scores and grade level equivalents. It is not considered a true IQ test (it lacks visual and working memory subtests) but I found a study which documented a .8+ correlation with the Woodcock Johnson cognitive test, the Weschler, and others.

With a correlation like that, covering math, reading and general knowledge, its percentile scores would be a good proxy for IQ, certainly for the person whose situation you relate (an IQ 120 girl). Its grade level equivalents might have made the magnitude of her abilities more clear to the administrator.

But that was not my experience - my school's administrators, it seems, either did not know what to make of the results or could not make anything of them.

That said, advancing someone at the 95th percentile two levels is malpractice. A head teacher as smart as the student herself (i.e., of intelligence fitting the job) would not have made the same mistake.
