Wednesday 10 August 2016

Why are They trying so hard to terrify us? Manipulation of modern populations through extreme fear: strategic induction of appeasement and tonic immobility

If I am reading the current situation correctly; They (that is The Establishment; that is the global conspiracy led by demonic forced of evil, and those humans possessed by them, and their enslaved or servile helpers) are responding to the current potential awakening of Men with a strategy of terrifying, terrorising, Western populations.

Q: What do they hope to achieve? A: Such an extremity of daily fear that the mass of the population switch to appeasement of that which is feared; or become psychologically-frozen with overwhelming anxiety.

These states of appeasement and 'tonic immobility' are described in an important overview of the evolutionary aspects of anxiety from a New Zealand psychiatrist called Chris Cantor - which I excerpt below.


The take home message, is that when anxiety becomes overwhelming and is perceived to be inescapable, then behaviours result which seem superficially paradoxical. An example of appeasement is when a kidnap, or torture, victim gives up hope and befriends, defends, worships the person or group who are tormenting them (e.g. Stockholm Syndrome). An example of tonic immobility is when rabbits confronted by a predator almost upon-them will freeze instead of fleeing and accepts the will of the predator - this may be part of a 'dissociation' state in which animals become insensitive to pain - because the body expects agony, the 'mind' becomes detached from the body.

The reason I believe that modern Western populations are being systematically 'groomed' for appeasement and immobility is that on the one hand the Establishment is working (mostly behind the scenes, and deniably) to encourage ever-more acts of terror all over the place - and of implementing 'responses' which both fail to stop the terror (and punishing those who might stop the terror) while themselves increasing awareness of terror; and also lyingly refusing ever to join-the-dots (that is Conspiract Theory Wingnuttery!) and thereby claiming that atrocities are 'random' - inexplicable, unmotivated, by 'normal people' same as you and me - and therefore dishonestly implying that terror atrocities could (and will) be done by anybody, happen to anybody, at any time or place.

Fear is thereby channelled into being pervasive, extreme and inescapable; and the response to such fear is usually appeasement of that which is feared; or an anaesthetic state of passive acceptance of the worst.

Perfect! Job done! Self-chosen damnation en masse!


The answer?

No matter what happens: Do Not Fear.

Rise above it. Take the eternal perspective, proper to an immortal soul.

Know that you are ultimately untouchable by any evil the world can throw at you - unless you choose to invite it into your soul and accept it at its own evaluation.

Recall that the creator of everything is your loving Father, and no matter what you have done up to now, you will be washed clean and given a fresh start merely by acknowledging the goodness, truth and beauty of his plan for our salvation and raising to be Sons and Daughter of divinity.

Each individual who refuses to fear, but trusts in eternal hope, will sabotage to a significant extent the demonic plan - enough such people will defeat the terror plan altogether by irresistible yet unseen causes.  


Abstract from - Chris Cantor. Post-traumatic stress disorder: evolutionary perspectives. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry. 2009; 43: 1038-1048 

Fear is the key emotion of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Fear's evolved function is motivating survival via defensive behaviours. Defensive behaviours have been highly conserved throughout mammalian species; hence much may be learned from ethology. Predation pressure drove the early evolution of defences, laying foundations in the more ancient brain structures. Conspecific (same species) pressure has been a more recent evolutionary influence, but along with environmental threats it has dominated PTSD research. Anti-predator responses involve both avoiding a predator's sensory field and avoiding detection if within it, as well as escape behaviours. More effective avoidance results in less need for escape behaviours, suggesting that avoidance is biologically distinct from flight. Recognizing the predation, environmental and conspecific origins of defence may result in clearer definition of PTSD phenomena. Defence can also be viewed in the stages of no threat, potential threat, encounter and circa strike. Specific defences are used sequentially and according to contexts, loosely in the order: avoidance, attentive immobility, withdrawal, aggressive defence, appeasement and tonic immobility. The DSM-IV criteria and PTSD research show substantial congruence with the model proposed: that PTSD is a disorder of heightened defence involving six key defences used in conjunction with vigilance and risk assessment according to contexts. Human research is reviewed in this respect with reference to laboratory and wild animal observations providing new insights. Understanding individual perceptual issues (e.g. predictability and controllability) relevant to these phenomena, combined with defence strategy recalibration and neuronal plasticity research goes some way to explaining why some traumatized individuals develop PTSD when others do not. 



Cantor and Price recently published in this Journal a detailed review of appeasement reactions, providing animal and human observations suggesting that appeasement is the foundation of complex PTSD [13], and so I only make brief mention of it here. Appeasement's association with conspecifics suggests a more recent triune brain heritage than defences evolving from predation. De-escalation is one of appeasement's core functions [45]. Defeated primates have been observed to retreat, only to return to the dominant conspecific and protest until signals of acceptance are elicited, a phenomenon known as ‘reverted escape’ [46]. It involves flight to the source of the threat. The dominant may engage in further coercion, with the subordinate responding with more appeasement, reinforcing their social bond with due recognition of status. This is commonly observed with abused spouses and children [13]. From an evolutionary perspective subordinates often have to maintain group membership for survival, and dominants need to maintain group cohesion. A specific traumatic context, traumatic defeat plus an inescapable relationship with a dominant oppressor, resulting in specific PTSD symptoms, suggests that PTSD research may benefit from greater consideration of contexts: predator, conspecific and environmental, combined with other contextual characteristics. This might lead to greater understandability and predictability of treatment responses. It contrasts with a general malfunctioning disease-based approach. ‘PTSD’ may be better viewed as the ‘PTSDs’ (plural).

Tonic immobility

Tonic immobility is the final defence in the chain of anti-predator responses: nature has one last desperate measure [47]. It is widely represented throughout the animal world in insects, crustaceans, fish, amphibians, reptiles, mammals and birds [27,31]. It arises in situations of immediate ‘predatory imminence’ (and its conspecific or environmental counterparts). It is an involuntary state of profound motor inhibition despite fully preserved consciousness, activated by extreme fear, perceived inescapable circumstances, usually involving an obviously more powerful predator or conspecific [3,48]. In animals it usually involves restraint. On termination of tonic immobility sudden recovery and flight may occur but this is neither as precipitous nor as reliable as that following attentive immobility [10]. Tonic immobility may persist beyond release [27] and in chickens has been observed to last up to 5¾ h [49]. It may promote survival through inhibition of predator killing reflexes, confusion of predators, deterrence through raising the possibility of diseased dead meat and lowering of blood pressure, which reduces blood loss from injuries [3,31]. With conspecifics its submissive aspects may serve also as appeasement to deter more serious assault. During tonic immobility animals remain largely unresponsive to external stimuli. The immobility involves either muscular hypo- or hyper-tonicity, waxy flexibility, suppression of vocal behaviour, intermittent eye closure, parkinsonian-like tremors with changes in heart rate, decreased temperature, increased respiratory rate and electrocardiogram changes [27,49,50]. Experimental pre-induction shocks stimulating fear and/or adrenalin injections can greatly extend tonic immobility, whereas increasing familiarity with the threat decreases it. Waxy flexibility in combat victims presenting with tonic immobility may be misdiagnosed as psychotic catatonia [51]. There are many similarities and differences between tonic immobility and catatonia [52]. Tonic immobility evolved as a fear response for present threats. With humans such responses may be activated by fear but maintained by a cognitive focus on potential (i.e. future) threats, with those threats remaining undetected, resulting in a protracted state of immobility commonly described as catatonic stupor. The linkage of catatonia with defence against ill-defined threats is further supported by catatonic excitement being associated with undirected assaultativeness. Some conversion reactions may reflect animal defence behaviours [12,53]. Accounts of the immobility involved in World War I shell shock are often difficult to differentiate between catatonia, conversion or tonic immobility. Some support for this arises from neurophysiological findings of hyperactive monitoring during motor-initiating decisions in subjects with conversion paresis of one arm [54]. In contemporary humans tonic immobility is commonly experienced with conspecific encounters in rape-induced paralysis [27,30,55]. A total of 37% of 35 rape victims were found to have experienced tonic immobility [56]. It also has been found in victims of other sexual abuse and some non-sexual violence. Heidt et al. found that 52% of women with histories of childhood sexual abuse reported tonic immobility in response to the abuse [57]. Older perpetrators and greater age differentials (suggesting perceived inescapability) between the abusers and children were both associated with greater tonic immobility, which was associated with greater distress, peritraumatic dissociation, depression, anxiety and PTSD. Similarly, 41.7% of survivors of adult sexual assault reported significant immobility during their most recent assault, and 10.4% reported extreme immobility [58]. Rape victims may be insensitive to pain during tonic immobility [27]. Tonic immobility may be a key determinant of PTSD outcome following sexual assault. Tonic immobility was found to partially mediate the relationship between fear and both overall PTSD symptom severity and PTSD avoidance/numbing [49]. Further, the relationship between perceived inescapability and PTSD symptom severity and avoidance/numbing was fully mediated by tonic immobility. No relationship was found between tonic immobility and hyperarousal symptoms, suggesting that, like appeasement, tonic immobility may generate specific PTSD symptomatology and that tonic immobility-driven PTSD may be less responsive to arousal-lowering treatments. Non-sexual conspecific assaults have also involved tonic immobility, with 43% of victims of urban violence reporting peritraumatic tonic immobility, which emerged as a marker for poorer responses to psychotropics [59]. Tonic immobility, but not dissociation or panic, predicted PTSD symptom severity after controlling for potential confounders in urban violence victims [60]. The preservation of awareness with an inability to voluntarily respond implies dissociation [3]. Depersonalization (detachment from self) but not derealization (detachment from environment) was found to be associated with tonic immobility, but the reverse occurred with fear [58]. This fits with depersonalization having an internal focus on why one is not responding, whereas in derealization the focus is more external. Dissociative identity disorder patients often become immobile, enter trance-like states and report out-of-body experiences or dissociative amnesia [30]. While tonic immobility is not associated with all types of dissociation, might there be a subtype of dissociation specific to tonic immobility?

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