Thursday 26 October 2017

Brief Notice: The Good Place on Netflix

The Second Series of The Good Place, a sitcom/ serial-drama, is currently running on Netflix.

It is a really excellent philosophical and character-based comedy: funny, fast-moving, twisty, gripping, and extremely clever!

But, you must watch it from the beginning of the First Series, and in order...


David Balfour said...

Good shout! It's hilarious, and thought provoking. I didnt imagine you were the netflix seem so serious, the thought of you relaxing in front of the TV is quite startling :-)

Bruce Charlton said...

@David - I'm surprised at your surprise - although to be fair I don't *often* watch TV, except for cricket. (During England test matches the TV and radio commentary tend to be left running continuously for the full 7-8 hours, and I dip in and out of the day's play; from this you may gather that my wife has the same fanaticism.)

David Balfour said...

Ha - well I am NOT suprised at that somehow, given your cricket blog! In response to your good tv show suggestion I wonder whether you have seen the film 'i origens' which has a very intriguing spiritual theme and tackles the mindset of the hard-nosed evolutionary biologist vs spiritual perspectives including specifically reincarnation. You *might* enjoy this but not sure...

Bruce Charlton said...

@David - I'll take a look...

David Balfour said...

Having arrived at the end of (the currently available) series of the good place on netflix, I have found another series called 'Once upon a time,' also on netflix, which may be of interest. The general plot synopsis: Imagine a world where magic is real but denied, where the famous and well-known fairy tale characters (Snow white, Rumplestiltskin, Jimety Cricket, the wicked witch, Hansel and Gretel, etc.) were living in this world in a small town and, unknown to them, had lived in previous lives as their fairytale or realer/authentic selves, before (thanks to a magical and powerful curse) they are transported to our world to live under the evasive and deniable dominion of a powerful evil force (the wicked witch of course and also the town mayor). But thanks to a small boy with a love of fairy tales and a mysterious old book of fairy tales, the town folk are gradually being offered the possibility of waking up to their true identities...

I have only watched first series so far but have found it intriguing and thought provoking, especially with the shows parallels to our actual spiritual situation. Merry Christmas!

Bruce Charlton said...

I'll take a peek...