Monday 7 June 2021

The reality of the birdemic was a collective choice making a collective reality

In this stage of human consciousness; we create reality by choice. The choice is inescapable - although it can be (usually is) denied. 

Thus people talk all the time (incessantly, but dishonestly) about the importance of facts ('fact-checking'), evidence (evidence-based') and objectivity ('real world') - while their (labile and incoherent) beliefs and behaviours are clearly made-up from from propaganda and feelings. 

The birdemic was and is caused by human consciousness. Its reality derives from a collective decision that it should happen. Ultimately, the birdemic is true to billions of people because the world wants it. 

The birdemic is not like any previous 'pandemic' - it could not have been possible a generation ago - it is a consequence of changed human consciousness from around the millennium; first clear evidence of which was the triumph of the trans-agenda. 

From then, we knew that anything was possible; anything could and would be believed - and collective reality would track collective choices. 

Every aspect of the birdemic was a Big Lie, and known to be such, but it makes no difference because there was a collective choice that things should be thus. 

What is this collective choice of the birdemic? 

Quite simply - a choice for Hell. It is a choice of what is most-important; choice of what-should-be; and therefore a choice of what will-not-be. 

What will not be with the birdemic-choice includes God, divine creation, The Good and the following of Jesus Christ to resurrected life eternal in Heaven. 

Collective human choice made the birdemic-reality an existential choice concerning the nature of the world. 

Consequently (unless one repents) the birdemic now is the nature of the world, for a very large proportion of mankind.  

As of 2021; Men just are Beings that make their world, by choice; and the implication is that Our world just is Our responsibility.

So, be care-full what world you inhabit - you have made it thus. If you do not like the birdemic world that most Men have chosen - if you find it evil; you can make another and better world. And if you do not make another and better; then this is the world you have chosen - and for which you are inescapably responsible.