Tuesday, 13 September 2022

The problem for Christians is not sinning, so much as the refusal to repent

The deep problem is not that so many Christians have allied themselves with the evil globalist totalitarian Establishment with regard to... whatever Litmus Test issue They are 'currently' pushing onto the masses (the birdemic and its peck, QWERTY and the transagenda, antiracism, climate emergency, mandatory WWIII and hatred of the Fire Nation etc.)

(Even if you do not know, and cannot be bothered to find-out, specifically how these particular policies are important elements of an organized agenda of purposive evil - their provenance and the way in which they are pushed on us should immediately tell us that they are evil by intent and in effect.) 

These are not really the problem so much as the failure to repent

I really don't see why self-identified Christians find this repentance so impossibly difficult! 

I can certainly understand that someone would comply with the peck, tell lies, pretend antiracism, or fail any of the other Litmus Tests. Most especially (and especially for women) there is the spontaneous and instinctive human fear of social ostracism. For men; the fear of poverty, scapegoating and low status. So it is easy to understand why people - including Christians - cannot resist sinning. 

But I don't understand why Christians find it so difficult, apparently impossible, to acknowledge that they yielded to sin and need to repent. 

Surely, all Christians recognize that we all sin many times every day, for many reasons (both defensible and shameful); and that we are indeed orientated towards sin (ie. away from God's will and purposes) for much or most of the time.

Surely these sins are no different? We are all too weak, and the temptations too strong, for anyone to avoid sinning. But for Christians that should be a given, and is certainly no barrier to salvation If Only we acknowledge and repent our sins.

Probably the problem is that too many Christians are clinging to the churches, in their human and institutional manifestations, with loyalty and obedience; as if churches were immune to the sins of Men! 

Thus - men ignore, and indeed deny, those many sins which churches do not actively specify, and for which churches do not require specific repentance; perhaps most especially the characteristically Satanic sin of lying, untruthfulness, dishonesty and deliberate misleading (a sin of which the churches are themselves such egregious offenders). 

Any individual Christian can repent from his own God-given powers of discernment and the guidance of the Holy Ghost - but Not if he has handed-over discernment to some external authority... 

But sinning is about our orientation: our choice of sides: our affiliation with either the side of God, or the side against-God. 

There are innumerable sins, but orientation is what makes a sin a sin.

And to join the side of evil is to sin, and in a particularly compounded fashion - because it is a strategic denial of sin, that therefore denies the need for repentance.  

Of course; all the above depends upon a Christian's ability to recognize the side of Satan; to recognize that the dominant, mainstream world-system of Western politics, Big Finance and Corporations, Mass Media and all the major institutions such as law, churches, science, education, health, police and military etc... That these are - overall, and overwhelmingly - the lieutenants, servants and dupes of demonic evil.   

But if a Christian cannot recognize that - can he really be a Christian? 

Can he really be said to have chosen to seek salvation by following Jesus Christ - when In Fact he serves The Enemy in all the respects that The Enemy regards as most important? 

I think not. 

Thanks to my pen-pal Serhei for help with this argument.