Monday 13 May 2019

Andrew Baker interviewed by Keri Ford

Keri Ford has posted a delightful illustrated interview with the English composer, brooder on landscape and place, and mystical Platonist Andrew Baker.

Andrew describes the history of his creative obsessions, and the nature of his inspiring philosophy; with references to CS Lewis and Owen Barfield - among many others...


Andrew Baker said...

By the way I still enjoy John Michell. I met him once, in 1992, and had tea with him, discussing the question of omphaloi and possible sacred centres of England. I know slightly Christine Rhone who I regularly see at Temenos Academy talks.

Andrew Baker said...

I'm not sure if my previous comment was lost or not, but I'd like to say that Charles Williams was an influence from the 1970s, particularly the idea of the Company. How is the world changed when we travel together, or in shared imagination?

Bruce Charlton said...

@Andrew - I've looked around, and it does seems as if a comment of yours has been lost; at least, therefore was nothing before the Charles Williams comment above.

I too enjoy John Michell. There is something very cheering and enthusing about his writings, and his attitude.

Andrew Baker said...

I know Grevel Lindop whose Charles Williams biography is excellent. In 2012 I commissioned his Shugborough Eclogues (in his collection Luna Park) as part of a Shugborough Olympic arts project.

Bruce Charlton said...

@Andrew -

I published the first review of Lindop's CW biography:

Later republished in a modified version in the Journal Of Inklings Studies:

Andrew Baker said...


You might be interested in this talk to the Temenos Academy

Bruce Charlton said...

Thanks Andrew.