Tuesday 17 September 2019

I love stainless steel

Since I discovered stainless steel as a concept, in earlyish childhood, it has always seemed a wonderful - almost magically marvellous - material. Surely the best?

For instance, I have a potato masher, somewhat like this - but nicer
The tool is elegant and simple in design, does not rust or tarnish, does the job very well - and is built around the properties of stainless steel - its strength combined with elasticisty; so that one can press down very hard on the masher without bending the shaft. Breaking it (whether accidentally or deliberately) would be out-of-the-question...

We take stainless steel for granted, but - wow!


dearieme said...

Halides: wash it promptly and keep it clean and dry.

Bruce Charlton said...

@d - If I see a halide wandering through my kitchen, I shall promptly do with it just as you suggest...