Tuesday, 29 October 2019

The surprising survival of Good people in an increasingly evil world

There aren't many of them, but there are some reasonably well-known net-Good people in public life; people on the side of God and creation - people publicly and effectively opposed to the mainstream, wealthy, powerful and  influential agenda of evil; and known to the Establishment...

And yet these Good people are still alive and have continued their Good activities.

This seems surprising. Yet there are examples from now and from history. 

It seems - and this is Not surprising - that God is able to preserve such people in spite of what look like impossible adverse conditions.

Thus this era really is one of potentially unprecedented awakening. It is not an era for great works, but an era for great insight and understanding - for learning things never learned before.

And God can be seen at work in making this possible.

(It is, of course, up to each one of us to take this astonishing opportunity.)