The West is crumbling towards death.
There is nowadays a strong assumption against positive purposiveness. The modern mind wants to explain everything in terms of negative causes
such as accident, randomness, incompetence, selfishness.
And this is partly true - this is 'natural' - and a consequence of the failure of cohesion. This is due to the loss of religion - specifically Christianity. Nothing has ever been found to replace religion as a cohesive motivation for any length of time. Without religion it is rational to live in a selfish and short-termist way because - why not?
But the decline is also suicidal and self-hating. Plenty of nations have died, plenty of institutions have gone-under -
but the way that Western nations are seeking their own destruction is
unusual - and needs explanation.
By 'suicidal' I mean something more than an entropic tendency to chaos and crumbling; I mean actively, strategically self-destructive. By self-hating I mean that institutions do not want to do what they are supposed to do - to not put this function as their priority. Schools and colleges do not want to teach their proper subjects; police do not want to prevent and prosecute real crimes, the military does not place offence and defence as their priorities; churches are not longer.
Instead (of course) they want - more than anything else - do do Leftist politics, the usual stuff - sexual revolution, antiracism, pseudo-equality etc. This is termed 'convergence' - all nations and institutions are converging on the same ideology as primary.
On that basis - Western nations, and all the major Western institutions and professions are suicidal, and this is based on inculcated self-hatred, such that Western people do not feel they deserve to defend themselves, to promote their own survival. This is quite extraordinary.
We need to be clear about this. The destruction of Western nations and institutions is purposive - actual destruction is being sought.
This is not merely a side-effect of the selfishness and short-termism of people - that is a constant factor among people; whereas suicidality of groups is relatively unusual. Plenty of nations have died, plenty of institutions have gone-under - but the way that Western nations are seeking their own destruction (most rapidly by mass immigration and subfertility leading to population and cultural repllacement) needs explanation.
And it has the same explanation as the negative decline, of the crumbling entropic collapse - loss of religion. Without religion people are crazy, psychotic, insane - that is they have lost their basic instincts for survival and (overall) seek their own death and also are actively seeking that which is false and which harms them.
It is the loss of religion, the denial of the spiritual, the denial that this is a created world with purpose and meaning, that has made Men seek their own annihilation, and consequently institutional annihilation, national annihilation.
That is the root of it all - that is the primary cause - and if it is not cured, then will will die with absolute certainty; we will die (en masse) physically but also (more importantly) spiritually - both my neglect of that which is needed to survive and by death being an expression of what people most deeply want.