Sunday 26 January 2020

Will Fake-Brexit be the awakening of the British?

In the next few days, the UK will pretend to leave the European Union; the question is, who will believe it? And among those who do believe it; how long will it take to realise their mistake?

It has taken the English working classes 20 years to realise that the Labour Party hates them, and to stop voting for them compulsively, reflexively and en masse. I don't think it will take the first generation Conservative voters that long to realise they have been lied to about Brexit.

That will complete the disillusionment, and render the bulk of the people fixed in political scepticism and with nobody to vote for - no perceived positive option, for the first time in... well, probably hundreds of years.

Nobody to vote for, and the comprehensive recognition (thanks to the unrestrained viciousness of the campaign of Brexit sabotage) that the entirety of the UK Establishment are united in hatred of the British (especially English) people.

All this is for the best; as we enter the new era of totalitarian omni-surveillance and micro-control, it is vital that people recognise the genuine purposive evil served by those who run the nation (and the world).

Of course, evil is a difficult recognition, given the mindless hedonic materialism of modern people - those who disbelieve in 'evil spirits' in practice find it impossible genuinely to believe in evil purpose, or even to understand what it entails. And thereby render themselves helpless against it.

Still, a recognition of the malign intent of the entire Establishment that running politics, the mass media, law, police and the military, education, civil service, charities, arts, science & technology, mainline churches, corporations etc etc; would be a valuable first step towards weaning oneself from addiction-to, and manipulation-by, the fake virtual world that They have created.