Wednesday 6 February 2019

Evil conspiracy entails cock-ups

Establishment mouthpieces (whether deliberatly, or as dupes) often assert that there is 'no need' to posit conspiracies to explain bad things, given that people are so prone to cock-ups, or errors.

(This 'no need' argument smuggles in the illegitimate assumption that it is only allowable to recognise a conspiracy when all possibility of accident has been excluded; whereas common sense would suggest that the existence or not of a malign conspiracy is a matter of fact (to be determined) - and has nothing to do with an imagined necessity first to exclude all alternative 'random' explanations.)

One way to try and discredit the evidence of conspiracies is to point out that many things happen, and are planned and aimed-at, which contradict the supposed aim of conspiracies. Life is too chaotic to suppose that 'everything is planned' by wicked powers.

This argument has some weight; in the sense that any plausible conspiracy posited, even one that emanates from the Global Establishment, cannot be regarded as all-powerful; since that would not allow for the reality of genuine opposition, or even the reality of noticing the conspiracy! So, no matter how powerful the conspiracy, there must be the possibility of effective resistance.

But also there is real conflict within the Global Establishment - i.e. among the identified conspirators. In other words; there is conflict within the mainstream, modern Left - who dominate all major social institutions.

This conflict arises from the fact that although all share the same, long-term ideological Leftist goals; different institutions have different short-term interests, and different powerful individuals likewise and even more so.

For example, the Western military Establishment contains people whose goals relate to traditional military objectives of effective application of force. But the same organisation contains people who are - indirectly - sabotaging military effectiveness by 'affirmative action' personnel policies that systematically give preference to certain groups (not-men, non-white races, non-Christians, non-natives, non-heterosexuals etc).

So, on the one hand, the Global Establishment want to have a highly effective military force (including police) to impose their ideology on anyone, anywhere, who resists it; on the other hand they also want to promote inter-personal and intergroup resentment and conflict (between the sexes, classes, sexual preferences, races, religions and ideologies) everywhere, among all humans, and without any exceptions. 

Similar conflict scenarios apply in all social institutions (education, science, health, law etc) because these withn-bureaucracy groups are rooted-in genuine oppositions of proximate interest - despite that all parties share the same distal (long-term) goals...

Therefore, all modern organisations - like all bureaucracies (like all evil entities - and bureaucracy is intrinsically evil) - are (at this level of analysis) alaways at war within themselves; and this endemic conflict is an inexhaustible source of cock-ups by organisations. The left hand is always sabotaging what the right hand is trying to accomplish; and vice versa.

So, things go wrong often and in a big way without those specific wrong things being deliberately planned. But the fact that cock-ups are endemic, is built-into the organisation, as a consequence of its over-arching Leftism.

Why? Because the 'unity' of Leftism is a unity of opposition. Leftism is defined by not what it proposes - which nowadays changes every decade. (Approximately...) In the sixties in the US it was the blacks, in the seventies it was women, by the eighties is was homosexuality - nowadays it is transhumanist transgender-ed/ing).

Since these cannot all be The Priority, there is conflict built-in; but there is a unity in what is being opposed - which ultimately is God - specifically Jesus, The Good, the transcendent, the spiritual reality... all of these interchangeable priorities on the Left are temporary expedients for attacking Christianity.

(Or, more specifically, for ensuring that Christianity does not become what it ought-to become - does not become truly Christian.)

The Left is, in other words, ultimately unified only by the long-term objectives of its Satanic, demonic, immortal and spiritual leadership - who operate invisibly, behind the scenes, across the decades and spanning the huuman generations.

These and can only be known directly by spiritual discernment; or indirectly inferred from the gap between the feebleness and limitations on human strategic action (given individual corruptibility, short-termism, selfishness etc); compared with the actuality we observe of a coherent-but-negative, evil-motivated plan, unrolling over at least two centuries.

The conspiracy is seen in the fact that the implicit strategy of the mainstream, modern, Global Establishment ideology makes comprehensive sense only when regarded as aiming-at constant, endemic conflict - designed to induce fear, resentment, pride, nihilism and despair.

At this level, cock-up and conspiracy are united, because the demonic supernatural conspiracy designs the situation that creates multiple and severe cock-ups; and the cock-ups are intended to maintain further conflict; and the conflict is intended to promote the agenda of fear, resentment, and all the rest of it.

In a sense: the conspiracy is cock-up. 

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