Tuesday, 3 December 2019

Secret Christians - The future of Christian churches in a totalitarian bureaucratic world

We can already see what must be set aside by any church, if it is to remain truly Christian rather than simply being assimilated to The Borg of mainstream, global, bureaucratic, totalitarian (and increasingly transhumanist) demonic Leftism.

Recent and increasing deplatformings and withdrawals of service, and the implementation of employment laws, codes of practice and service etc; means that all the formal organisational aspects of churches will become impossible - unless the church yields to the imperatives of leftist bureaucracy.

For example, no organisation that receives any funding or charitable status will be able to be anti-abortion; no organisation will be able to employ and pay people (e.g. as priests) without conforming to regulations about sexual and racial quotas and inclusions; training of priests will be subject to the constraints of all secular educational institutions; church offices will need to comply with the leftist agenda about hostile or exclusionary workplaces; within-church interactions must comply with the prevalent anti-Christian/ anti-white apparatus of 'hate' crimes; no organisation with accounts will be able to avoid 'quality assurance' practices that embody leftist assumptions; no buildings or rooms can be owned, used or hired if they do not conform to the codes of practice and mission statements of those who control them (including fire regulations, health and safety etc); no large or regular assembly of people will be allowed when these are regarded as contributing to the possibility of civil disorder (including by those - such as 'antifa' - threatening to invade or harass them); no groups will be allowed that can be represented as a conspiracy towards racial supremacy, patriarchy, hatred of QWERTY people or immigrants, or people of other-religions or no-religion - or to the overthrow of the present order (e.g. by working towards Zion or the Second Coming); and the Bible is already regarded as a text of hatred - and dissemination, speaking or teaching from the Bible is already restricted in public places and teaching situations - so presumably the possession of unbowdlerised-left-noncompliant scriptures will soon be forbidden...

In sum, real Christian churches as formal institutions will become impossible.

If a church remains a normal institution that employs people or uses money, gets any grants or tax exemptions, uses buildings to gather large groups, uses written or internet or social media, uses financial tools and accounting - then it will (sooner rather than later) be compelled into the demonic agenda. It will be converged: absorbed by The Borg*.

And all this will be enforced by the vastly increased mechanisms of omni-surveillance and micro-control; so that even a few people meeting may be known, and quite possibly filmed or recorded.

So Christians will need to become secret, and so will churches.

All relations among Christians, within or between churches, will need to become personal, verbal, and probably encoded (with changing codes); assemblies will be small or deniable (eg. within families - if families are permitted).

The only 'thing' that can hold-together churches under such circumstances is... Love. There will be no help from law, habit or social pressure. Churches will have to be based-upon, grow-from, pure Love - or there will be nothing.

And this, presumably, is our test - in these Latter Days, these End Times... Things are coming to a point at which the primary issue of this mortal life becomes crystal clear; and the choice for or against God becomes stark and unavoidable.

*This is why the process of evil works from the top downwards; why modern institutions (including churches) nowadays always rot starting with the head - that is, with those interacting most with the surrounding bureaucracies. This is the nature of the type of evil dominant in this era: the Ahrimanic. This is the regular pattern of corruption of which people in churches need to be aware. 

Note: In reality - this is one possible extreme which may or may not be reached - but so long as the current World Order continues, there will be incremental and irreversible movement towards this situation. 
It is well to be prepared.