Monday 13 September 2021

Not colluding in phobic and OCD birdemic behaviour

It seems obvious that many people are phobic, clinically so, about the birdemic; that is, they are unreasonably afraid and practice avoidance. This merges with obsessive compulsive symptoms (unpleasant, intrusive ruminations) and compulsions (to practice ineffectual ritual behaviors).

All of these are curable by 'behaviour therapy' - which is just practicing doing whatever evokes the phobia; and Not doing whatever is the compulsion (and acknowledging that the obsession is an evil).

As with more mainstream neuroses, the essential component in recovery is to want it; and, again as with mainstream neuroses, this desire to get well is often absent or very weak.

Because people cannot reach the sunny uplands of cure without passing through the tough country of anxiety. In other words, things have to feel worse (for a while) before they get better.

You probably can't make a birdemic neurotic want to get better, but you can avoid colluding in their avoidance. Simple acts of normal behaviour, cheerfully done (or Not done) can therefore be helpful. 

...While your continued compliance makes the neurotics feel better in the short term, but at the cost of entrenching and exacerbating their pathology.


Brief Outlines said...

Hit the nail on the head again. What makes this situation so vial and wicked to the core is that the law is behind the neurotics, and acting in a proper healthy manor and promoting "therapy" is perceived as "selfish", "disrespectful" and "uncaring".

Bruce Charlton said...

@Brief. This is End Times value inversion in action - deliberate nurturing of pathologies.

Another is that everybody is coerced to sustain and amplify the delusional beliefs of trans. And the (not needed) ineffective and harmful peck is intended for every person in the world.

This is consistent with the world strategy being under demonic control, and the masses being rendered mentally incompetent by ingrained and habitual atheism-materialism.

Brief Outlines said...

@Bruce. Agreed. What about the concept of kaliyuga, that this is the darkest point in Human evolution as opposed to the End of it. Maybe the difference is negligible.

Brief Outlines said...

"Along with the flu and common cold, hypochondria and other health-related phobias and disorders shave also completely vanished"

Bruce Charlton said...

My understanding of kaliyuga is that it is part of a Hindu cyclical destiny of existence, which I think is untrue.

I don't recognize the quote; but anyone who believes that influenza disappeared when the birdemic arose, demonstrably lacks even the most basic level of scientific judgement.

Colin said...

It seems, given the amount of people ‘around’ I reckon around half of us English are still basically staying at home. This is also reflected in our staff. About half still just go from home to work and back again. Nothing else. And a regular diet of lateral flow tests.

So yes Bruce, we are having conversations about easy, gentle cheerful ways to help recovery from the trauma and gaslighting of the last times. Summer barbecue in the yard happened. The Christmas party with partners is going ahead even if many don’t come….
May courage and life gradually return.

Bruce Charlton said...

@C Conversations aside, we need to get on with things, starting now.

The mentally sick should be known as sick -explicitly when necessary, treated with consideration for their long term interests ( which is not what they ask for, here and now) - but not pandered, nor allowed to impose their false understanding on others.

Ingemar said...

I mention this in my most recent blog post. The relevant section is excerpted so you don't have to read the whole thing.

"I am bucking the trend of the past few days' worth of dooming. Because it is tiresome. It is as tiresome as hanging out with actual hypochondriacs (the sort that existed before 2019) because it demands people with an even keel to sway to and fro by the counsel of one's own fears, and if one does not have fear, to internalize the fears of others as a twisted form of empathy."

Brief Outlines said...

@Bruce: the quote is my attempt at a joke.

Joel said...

I have been putting mask refusal into practice, though it's required by law in my area. One thing that I think about, however, is the position of worried individuals on the other side thinking that I am the sick one. After all, I'm the maskless person in the room full of masked individuals, I must be sick! Literally criminal at least.

They are wrong, but I think about ways that I can use my interactions with others to emphasize that I am a reasonable person who is not participating in public madness, rather than an unreasonable crazy person. The most important thing would seem to be building personal connections when I can. And I have the advantage that I can smile.

Epimetheus said...

Ingemar, you have a blog!?! Nice!