Sunday, 26 December 2021

No real church...

No real church would agree to its long term (more than a very few weeks, maximum; and time-limited) closure and cessation of core activities under any circumstances

And if forced to cease, desist and close; any true church would dissent, protest and disobey to the limit of its courage and spiritual expediency. 

Thus; insofar as any institution that identifies as 'a church' agrees to its own closure and cessation without explicit resistance; it is not a real church: it is a fake church

Furthermore; any fake church that goes beyond minimal compliance to add further restrictions on its own activities, and/or who embraces, advocates, celebrates its own limitation in core activities - has gone beyond being a fake church; and has become an Anti-church.

Exactly this situation of Anti-church has, from early 2020, been reached by all the major Christian denominations