Tuesday 20 August 2024

I can't comment! So here are my comments...

Problem gone. 

Commenting will resume as per... 


For incomprehensible reasons - I cannot at present comment on my own blog!

So, here (for the time being) is what would have been a comment in reply to Henry, for the post below:

@NLR - Not applicable in this case. I don't think I've done anything, and currently think its something to do with a bug in the recent "update" to the commenting format - just waiting to see if it gets fixed soon. Seems weird that commenters can comment but not me!

@as - I mean the relationship between the sexes, as they believe it ought to be.

@Henry - Interesting comment - especially the Rhinegold reference. 

By my understanding, the false model of the post-sixties sexual revolution wrt men and women, is opposed in the public arena by another false model from patriarchal and traditional religions - which regard women as a sub-man. 

As usual, both of the common and mainstream options are false, and have shown their major flaws over the past 200-plus years. 

Again as usual, we are left in the position of being individual men (or women) who must work out the right answer - from trial and error, experience and learning - with another individual woman (or man) - based on mutual love and mutual respect. 

Standard templates or blueprints for what men and women are supposed to be like, how supposed to behave, and what supposed to do - are net-harmful to this quest - as of here-and-now (even though some are less harmful than others). 

What's more they are bad for the soul. 

(Most "traditional" Christians who bang-on so relentlessly about sexual relationships; sound to me as if they would genuinely be much happier as Jews or Muslims -- also because of their conviction of the Monotheistic "Omni-God", to whom obedience and submission are primarily required. And indeed, that is where they may well gravitate... sooner or later. For them, women have no necessary or eternal theological function - only a temporary and biological job in this mortal life. When "trad Christians" also realize that (their idea of) Jesus has no necessary function in their theology - then they will recognize that they have picked the wrong religion for their bottom-line ineradicable convictions.)


Lucas said...

Have you tried turning it off and on again?

as said...

Most "traditional" Christians who bang-on so relentlessly about sexual relationships;

Could you explain what you mean by this?

Chastity is important and crucial.

Do you mean people who like “game” (amoral/immoral) or who have a certain view of gender roles within a marriage?

No Longer Reading said...

In my own blog, when I'm in a private window with the Brave browser, blogger won't acknowledge that I'm logged in. I'm not sure if this is the problem you're having or if the suggestion in the link will fix it, but here's something from 2019 that talks about that (https://community.brave.com/t/cant-sign-in-to-blogger-edited/71736/5).

David Earle said...

At the moment, I can't comment on Firefox, but I can on Brave.

I'm sure you've tried clearing all cookies/data/etc, trying another browser.

Not a fan of whatever they did to the comment page recently in any case.

Bruce Charlton said...

@David - The problem seems to have sorted itself out now.