Thursday 8 August 2024

Your enemy's enemy is Not your friend (Unless he is your friend anyway, and already!)

We really are very lucky, in an ultimate and spiritual sense; because it is getting easier and easier to navigate the realm of public discourse. 

When truth and lies were fairly evenly mixed in the output of officialdom and the media; then in order to get the benefits of truth, we had a tough job to discern it from the dross. 

But nowadays public discourse is very-nearly pure untruthfulness: that is, the stuff we real in all mainstream sources (and most pseudo-alternative sources, too) is a mixture of outright lies and stark truth-inversions; with multiple shades of distortions, hype and other forms of manipulative misleading. And that's all it is. 

A realm of anti-truth, in other words; as is inevitable when the motivation behind it is anti-Good (because anti- God, anti- divine creation). Therefore, by far the main current danger is not that we will miss-out on some valuable truth in the public arena; but instead that we will be tricked into believing stuff that aint so.   

The main way that people are tricked into helping their enemies, is by mainstream persons or institutions being reported as saying some-thing - some one thing usually - that is true or good; and by presenting somebody as your friend simply because he is the enemy of something you also oppose

But your enemy's enemy (whether real or pretend) is not thereby your friend. 

An alliance is qualitatively different from shared opposition - especially when (as now) multiple issues are involved - yet these issues are all linked spiritually into two parties: the party of God, and the party against God.

(When there is one way we ally with God, but an endless number of ways in which we might oppose God.)  

The idea of making an ally of your enemy's enemy is an old delusion, that often backfires - personally and at large scale. 

For instance; when the UK made a de facto ally of the USSR (which I regard as the most evil regime in the history of the world) in order to fight Germany and Italy; this immediately damaged Britain (e.g. we sent them war materiel and food that we could not spare without significant cost). 

And then, after a couple of years, by strengthening (at the US's as well as UK's expense) the USSR far beyond what it required to defend itself. So this alliance also proved very costly indeed in the longer run - as the USSR went on to overrun vast territories beyond its former Western boundaries. 

(A further factor was encouraging and protecting espionage, Soviet spies; which inflicted serious costs post WWII.)

But then, the USSR-British alliance was never what it seemed on the surface; not really the pragmatic are war-winning strategy it was presented as being. Because the British ruling class was (as Orwell often described) broadly permeated with many communists and crypto-communists: i.e. those whose primary loyalty was to the USSR, and who were willing (and indeed keen) to sacrifice British interests and the British people, to those of the USSR. 

What applies globally applies in smaller scales. It is tempting in the short-term, and may be all-but irresistible, to make common cause with your enemy's enemy - but this should be encapsulated as temporary and for specific purposes; and should not be allowed to become an alliance at the psychological level. 

It is particularly easy to delude people just at present with manufactured and controlled "enemy's enemy" figures, pseudo-allies, and would-be saviours. 

Insofar as people in The West are becoming aware of the corner into which they have been-painted, of the multi-pointed lethal situation that has been constructed around them - then they become desperate for some way out, some escape from the terrible material consequences that are looming. 

People rarely consider that the material disasters are a consequence of spiritual corruption; and they move directly to seeking some rapid material solution to whatever is currently the most imminent material problem - war, violence, immigration, economic destruction, disease... 

They want to change the world for the better, without in any way changing themselves for the better! But where on earth could such a motivation for genuine betterment come from, when the people themselves are so corrupt as to have made the problem in the first place? 

They are then very easily tempted to embrace some already-powerful individual or institution who is presented (by the mainstream sources; often presented in an apparently hostile way - yet given wide coverage nonetheless) also to be seeking a solution to one or other imminent problem that is real and which concerns us. 

The invitation is for us to join with them as an ally: to make them the focus of our hope and efforts; maybe to serve them in what way we can.       

But there are no such people, no such institutions in the mainstream sources, nobody with power, high status, or wealth - who is truly on our side as an ally, nobody who deserves to be the repository of our hope. 

If any such person did exist; then we certainly would not hear about them in any mainstream source, nor by any of the semi-mainstream pseudo-alternative media. 

More profoundly; that whole way of thinking is harmful to our souls - I mean that it is spiritually harmful when we of The West strive to place hope in any external and worldly power; when we seek to find some-one or some-group to obey and to serve...

The fact is that it is now - and by a large margin of decades - Too Late to prevent the collapse of Western civilization, because Western civilization is now (and by a large margin) not worth saving. 

At the depths of Western Man's soul he knows this, and has developed an ideology of abstract altruism that disguises his own nihilistic despair; his own self-hatred, spiritual and physical cowardice, and rationalized suicidality. 

If we are not merely to strengthen our enemies - overall and in the long term; "The way out" must be spiritual before it is material, and must be personal before it is societal...

And anything else is a demonic snare playing upon our (natural!) fears and desperation at the situation which we colluded (whether actively or passively) in making.   


Adam said...

"The main way that people are tricked into helping their enemies, is by mainstream persons or institutions being reported as saying some-thing - some one thing usually - that is true or good; and by presenting somebody as your friend simply because he is the enemy of something you also oppose."

Jordan Peterson in a nutshell.

Bruce Charlton said...

A prime example of the species - - but just one of a whole army of fake-friends that is continually being added-to - e.g. wrt the instantly-coopted, engineered and astroturfed demos and violence around the UK.

My name is Matt said...

An excellent and pertinent post as it is ""election"" season here in the states. And a very good article for me personally, as having a builder/creator personality I'm always tempted to look for a repository of hope (fantastic turn of phrase btw) so that I might build something wonderful. So, thank you Bruce.

Bruce Charlton said...

@Matt - Glad to be of service... I too am prone to this temptation, and have to "catch myself" before going down that path - this even though I acknowledge I have been "fooled" so many times before, and about so many issues. It's a clever lure, for sure.

Hagel said...

"The fact is that it is now - and by a large margin of decades - Too Late to prevent the collapse of Western civilization, because Western civilization is now (and by a large margin) not worth saving."

Luke: Nooooooooo!

Vader: Search your feelings. You know it to be true.

Bruce Charlton said...

@H - Nice one!