Monday 5 August 2024

Spiteful fantasies of the suffering of enemies, are usually projections

Something that is very evident in the mainstream-leftist mass media, the alternative-"right" blogosphere, and among traditional Christians - is a tendency publicly to engage in (and advocate) fantasies of the suffering and destruction of their enemies.  

I don't expect better from leftists and the secular "right" - but I do expect better from Christians; in the sense that this kind of stuff is revealing of the individual embracing a fearful, resentful and spite-driven nature .

Fear, resentment and spite are all sins; and all besetting (characteristic) sins of our time and place - which is why this "revenge fantasy" stuff is so common, and so generally tolerated. 

Tolerated and indeed excused; on the basis that (from whatever point of view) the subjects of spiteful fantasies of suffering "deserve it". 

Which may or may not be correct, but is irrelevant; because the sin lies in the (apparently) un-repented (because publicly celebrated) indulgence of one's own fear/ resentment/ spitefulness. 

Of course, many of us (me included, for sure) are prone to this kind of sin; we are variously assailed by gnawing fear, brooding resentment, and fantasies of what horrible things we would enjoy happening to our enemies. 

And if we don't suffer from these sins, then there will be others - just as much sins, and just as prevalent and tolerated-approved! Such as dishonesty, and despair. 

After all, we are all sinners, as Jesus told us; and that's an intractable fact of this mortal life.

What matters is whether we acknowledge and repent the sins, when we begin to become aware of them...

And public propaganda and celebration of our own sins is the opposite - it is doubling-down on sin

NOTE: Doubling-down on sin in public usually makes that sin even more difficult to repent. It seems to be a common psychological trait that when we have made public commitments to sin, then (the sin of) pride deters us from publicly acknowledging (or even in private acknowledging, to ourselves and God) that we have made a mistake. This is why the demonic overlords have arranged society such that we are bribed and coerced into multiple public celebrations of value-inversion. But; no power on earth can prevent the repentance of a man who wants to repent and instead choose affiliation to God and divine creation.

NOTE ADDED: The problem of spiteful revenge fantasies is particularly acute and increasing, because the top-down-engineered descent of the world into destructive chaos provides almost daily temptations. Christians need to remind ourselves that "my enemies enemy" is not, thereby, my friend; and that overall spiritual good comes only from good motivations - and not as a by-product of evil intent

1 comment:

Stephens said...

Very apt, with all the chaos going on it's easy to give in to feeling spite.

Feel a bit better after reading what I already knew, but needed reminding.