Friday 23 August 2024

God will not put anyone in an impossible situation

For a Christian, God is The Creator, and also Good; and also Loves each of us at least as much as good parents love their children in the best imaginable family.  

This means that God will never place anyone in an impossible situation, and God will never allow any situation to remain impossible...

As soon as a situation has become impossible, God (because The Creator) will remake it such that there a good way-out from it - a way we are intended to discover and take. 

Experienced reality mirrors this so far as I am aware; but ultimately this assumption is faith-based - rooted in my experienced understanding of the nature of God... 

Part of which is to ensure that individual people will be able (from their own resources, and taking into account their own capacity) to navigate the needful discernment

So that any exception is only apparent, in not-real - and it is up to each person "caught" in what he supposes to be an impossible situation - to recognize this as fact. 

But all the above applies only when the purpose of this mortal life is recognized as being orientated towards eternal resurrected life in Heaven - and therefore when our perspective is not bounded by the contingencies of this temporary mortal life. 

We cannot always (and never wholly) escape from the inevitability of entropy (disease, ageing, death) nor from the activities of evil. So that kind of escape (i.e from "sin") is not (not necessarily) what God intends for us. 

Yet we can always learn from such experiences, and God always intends and hopes that we will do so; learn, that is, lessons that are extremely significant and beneficial to our resurrected life to come - even when the lesson is not (as often it is) beneficial to our remaining mortal life. 


Laeth said...

what do you mean by impossible situation? what I understand by impossible, in this context, is a situation where we cannot learn anything, we cannot grow to be more like God. if so, I agree. but if by impossible you mean one where there is no correct choice, that we are, in a sense, damned if we do and if we don't (as, for example, seems to be the case for everyone here and now, everything we do entails evil in some way), I think that while God may not place us there, it certainly seems that the devil does and that this is his objective. we can always learn from this of course, and I think God nudges us in this direction, but it's still important to understand that we are learning from bad examples what 'not to do' in the resurrection, so to speak.

Bruce Charlton said...

@Laeth - It's my impression that many people often say/ argue/imply (if not in so many words) that they are in an impossible situation - with no way out.

Yes the devil puts people in such situations, but God (because creator, continually creating) can see it coming, and very rapidly can create a way out.

As for learning - my point is that most people don't see life that way - but regard life in terms of material outcomes (or, for some Christians, in binary terms of salvation-damnation). If one does see life that way, then it is usually clear that learning is possible.

Bruce Charlton said...

@Laeth - I need to add that I have myself regarded my situation as impossible, and argued it as such. In retrospect, it never was.