Monday 12 August 2024

The strategic PSYOP of global horror intended to overwhelm with fear and inculcate despair

It strikes me that there has been and is a very long-term demonic PSYOP, which has largely succeeded in embroiling the world's discourse in a non-stop festival of horror, with the aim of overwhelming us with fear and inculcating an extremity of despair. 

There is, of course, more than enough horror in the world at any time, and then there is a vast amount of lying, selection and distortion. 

And nearly-all of this reported as happening remotely - elsewhere and to other people (or indeed, supposedly, in the past) - and we know it only by second-/ third-/ nth-hand report by agents... 

We know it mostly (or wholly) via agents who serve the agenda of evil; and who supply slanted or inverted concepts with which we are intended to interpret their alleged-facts. 

On top of this there is a dominant ethic, or value-system, which both implies and argues that - because of the alleged extremity, pervasiveness and causes of this reported-evil; remote evils are actually the most significant evil in the world. 

By comparison; whatever evils that we personally experience and know are portrayed as trivial and subjective. 

This combination of depictions of extreme reported horror, with a pervasive and powerfully-enforced value system that puts this reported horror at the centre of the ethical concern of people worthy of admiration and respect, makes for a potentially lethal cocktail. 

I say potentially lethal, because (like so many aspects of the modern world) this evil-made and evil-motivated situation within divine creation, is made-use-of and intended by God to teach us vital lessons during this actual mortal life here-and-now

It is nigh impossible to avoid exposure to this inducement to sin; and to be influenced by it. Yet, as Christians; we ought first to recognize that fear and despair are sins that must be acknowledged and repented. 

The upshot is that we are each compelled to deal-with this very strong source of temptation to sin; so that we will not be manipulated into evil attitudes for the evil ends of our evil overlords!

As usual in such situation; our single most vital defence is to acknowledge what is going-on: that we have been deliberately placed and kept in a deliberately corrupting situation by the powers of purposive evil and their servants.

But no matter how corrupting the situation (and how compromised we have become by past choices); our loving God (by his creative power) will always ensure that there is a way to learn and an open route to salvation.

From that basic understanding, our experiences of being-manipulated may lead to us learning many and important life lessons (of permanent benefit to us in the life everlasting to come); and to develop attitudes that lead us towards salvation - rather than towards the intended self-damnation consequent upon surrendering to fear and despair. 

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