Sunday 18 August 2024

Voluntarily to participate in voting; is to invite evil into one's heart

Voting, as a method for arriving at binding decisions; is clearly evil in itself and tends to corrupt participating individuals - as becomes obvious to those (but there are few such!) who shake-off the propaganda and ask the right questions. 

Furthermore; the extent to which voting corrupts its participants has increased, as the range of options to be voted-upon have all become evil-aligned: net-evil in their nature. 

In other words, voting is more extremely evil when the voter is choosing between evils; and is casting his lot for (what he tries to discern as) the lesser of acknowledged evils. 

Lesser or not; a vote for evil is a vote for evil.  

In different words: voting is not so bad when a vote can be (and is) cast for some positive net-good (e.g. for some good-affiliated person, party, policy). But voting becomes extremely corrupting when all possible options are net-evil, evil-affiliated... When all choices are actually motivated against God, divine creation, Jesus Christ... 

Then all voters are actually voting for evil.  

Evil, because the process and act of voluntary voting is (passively expressed) an act of consent; also (actively conceptualized) itself an action in support

When evil is voted for - including a lesser evil - then this is to invite evil into one's heart. And that is the only way that evil can enter one's heart

We cannot be made-evil purely from external influence; evil must (like a vampire) be invited-within. 

And surely the actual corruption from voting is obvious to anyone who is good-affiliated and stands outwith the processes of voting? Such as political elections; but also any other situation when would-be binding-in-advance decisions are made by some mathematical counting procedure. How could anyone regard such a procedure as intrinsically virtuous? 

Ultimately, voting has come to dominate societies of the modern world, at every level power is exercised; exactly because when people voluntarily participate mentally in the business of voting, they are choosing to take the side of evil in the spiritual war of this world. 

(And the spiritual war is what matters most to those with greatest power.) 

By voting; Men are choosing to corrupt themselves, by inviting evil into their hearts - again and again. By defending voting, they are doubling-down on evil: actively repelling good.  

Furthermore, as the matters voted-upon have been made all evil, and more evil; such corruption has accelerated and become more extreme. 


Avro G said...

As I see it our votes ratify whatever evil the “authorities” may later decide to perpetrate. It’s like writing a blank check to someone with a long and uninterrupted history of lies, theft, and murder. Voting does not make us participants in government so much as accomplices to massive crimes. The piles of corpses of the innocent slaughtered in just the wars of last 20 years is proof enough.

Bruce Charlton said...

@Avro - Yes, that is exactly right. To vote for it, makes one significantly spiritually-complicit.

That's just a fact.

As usual, repentance (not attempted denial of responsibility!) is the proper response.

WJT said...

A certain unlinkable individual has been making this same point about voting, even using the vampire analogy. I think it’s becoming obvious to more and more people.

Bruce Charlton said...

@WJT - I haven't come across that (and not sure who you mean!) but I think it should be especially clear this year of (yet more extreme) evil versus evil elections in the US and the UK. Indeed, anyone who is prepared honestly to introspect after even the slightest engagement can confirm it.

Daniel F said...

I know who you mean, and I was thinking the same thing.

Bruce Charlton said...

@Daniel - This is all getting a bit cryptic for me - but maybe there is good reason...

Bruce Charlton said...

@WJT and Daniel F - In this post I don't make claim to originality! But I am essentially repeating *myself* - but with a different combination of points -

Daniel F said...

Sorry to come off as cryptic: I'm just following WJT's lead in not mentioning the unmentionable! lol And my point was not so much about the originality of the idea, as that there is an increasing awakening to the fact that "democracy" and voting have serious problems, and that this awareness is popping up in different places.

Bruce Charlton said...

@Daniel - I have come across some such awareness, but it seems more like a vague dissatisfaction than understanding.

Indeed, it is often a complaint that the democracy is fake - eg the problem being that votes are manufactured or miscounted, rather than that voting is evil. Such people still regard democracy as the ideal.

Or they seem to regard the problem being that people can't vote for the politicians they most like, rather than that all senior the people in political/ managerial positions are on-board with significant aspects of the Satanic-strategy. Such people do not remotely appreciate the extent of the mastery of evil in The West

WJT said...

Bruce, we mean the most canceled man in the world, the author of those fantastic Duke of Earl articles. I’m not accusing you of unoriginality, just pointing out that others are independently coming to the same conclusion.

Bruce Charlton said...

@WJT - Oh, him! I had suspected it might be Mini-Mussolini. And I'm not claiming to be original - but that similarities to my argument are likely to be superficial.

Daniel F said...

Yes, on further reflection, I see you are right: It is one thing (and increasingly common now) to realize that voting is "dumb", futile, a scam, etc. It is another (and rare / unique) to have the insight that it is evil and anti-salvific to us on an individual basis.