Wednesday 14 August 2024

Paucity of motivations among the New World Orderers

In considering the dwindling to ineffectuality of positive national motivations; we soon find ourselves up-against the recognition that there are extremely few motivations, and no public and organized ones, that don't seem to crumble in our hands...

This applies even to the (by far) most dominant and successful motivator of recent generations: the plan to construct a New World Order (NWO), a pan-global totalitarian system of omni-surveillance and micro-control.

The stunning success of this motivator is rooted in its enabling tens of millions of "implementers" among national leadership classes such as managers, journalists, academics, administrators etc - to feel good about themselves, their opinions, their work. 

But this feeling positively good has swiftly crumbled-away as the system became more powerful. 

Now the motivation of the NWO-implementer-class is almost wholly negative - to the point that they often deny the positive (once justifying) goal of their endeavours - they deny (especially in public) that they actually are working to build and extend a pan-global system of (self-styled) benevolent rulership aiming at peace, prosperity, comfort, convenience for all

Nowadays, this same class is possessed by almost wholly negative motivations; relating to fear-of, hatred-for, and determination to-eliminate ever more and more people and classes.

Their focus is to find and eliminate all of those who (supposedly) stand in the path of what are actually ever-more nebulous and incoherent goals - such as social justice/ equity/ diversity/ inclusion/ sustainability/ health etc. etc. 

Consequently; the actuality is now "pursuit" of social justice through differentially-targeted and asymmetrically-applied laws/ regulations; peace through provoking and escalating ever more, and more destructive, wars; prosperity through destroying economies/ food production/ trade and transport; comfort and convenience by promoting worldwide violent chaos.     

This is a consequence of replacing positive goals with double-negatives across the board: creative destruction, as I have called it - in which destruction is up-front and actual and purposive, whereas any subsequent "betterment" is vague, conjectural... and almost-never happens. 

Instead of working for some state-of-affairs; the NWO-ers are working against particular people and groups. (And indeed; some of those worked-against are imaginary and manufactured threats!) 

I regard this long-term and (so far) inexorable devolution from positive to negative goals, as a very general trend of this era - both symptom and cause of the increasing evil-affiliation of humanity. 

It is therefore something that needs to be recognized - in ourselves primarily, but also as a fact of life as we experience it. 

Negation cannot be a valid basis for living; so it behoves us (each and all) to find some genuinely positive motivation upon-which we can base our motivations and build our lives. 

This is not being given us by anything external: not by society-at-large, not by any of the social institutions, including not by any of the churches. 

To find a genuinely positive motivation, we must either derive it from our individual spiritual insight and intuition; and/or actively seek it among the great mass of evil-affiliated dross and poison of corrupt institutions.   

It is up to us. 


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