Saturday 31 August 2024

I can't even hate-watch Amazon Rings of Power, second season

I perversely enjoyed watching the epochal incompetence that was Amazon's Rings of Power, Season One - mostly because it was constantly surprising and amazing me by its ludicrous ineptitude; and because it was interesting to try and understand how such a thing had come to be, and what were the global implications... 

I was, in a mean-spirited sort of way, actually looking forward to the second season

But I have to report I could only stomach fifteen minutes of the first episode, and shall not be returning. 

Why? Simply: to watch series two is to enter such an angry, miserable, sordid, sadistic and hate-filled world; that it makes me simultaneously bored and depressed. Just horrible. 

I am not a masochist, nor am I looking for reasons to embrace nihilistic despair as my philosophy of life; so naturally I shall not be subjecting myself to any more such stuff. 

Sorry! - if you want to know any more about the most expensive train wreck in the history of television; you will need to watch it for yourselves, this time. 

1 comment:

Bruce Charlton said...

@Stephen - I suppose this phenomenon is a consequence of the ruling ideology being negative and destructive. And it has become very explicit in the past few years.

Even when they purport to make something positively themed - such as a biographical or historical work praising some person, event, nation... It invariably gets structured by its subversion and loathing of the real target: the usual leftist targets (one or more of the Litmus Tests).

This applies to supposed comedy as well; so that They have become incapable of making anything decent and good hearted with good characters (humorous in the older sense - like the jovial atmosphere of Three Men in a Boat) - this cannot be achieved when behind every joke lies an ocean of resentment and despair.