Thursday 7 November 2019

Beware Icelandic poets: Bjork being very funny indeed (c30 years ago)

This is very sweet and charming, in its way; and seems absolutely sincere. It is also so funny that I cried with laughter. Yet I wasn't laughing 'at' her because she was 'ridiculous' - it was more a kind of admiration at a spontaneously surreal world view...

I don't think she was trying be funny, as such - I would guess that this is just how Bjork is/ was; this is how she thinks/ thunk. I would guess she opens her mouth and this is the sort of thing that comes-out. Plain crazy, or a five year old in a 25 years old body? I don't know.

Also a very soothing speaking voice and accent. 


Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

Haha, somehow this reminded me of "This is Spinal Tap" -- but it's real!

Francis Berger said...

I don't know what this comment has to do with anything, but here goes . . .

I had a bit of a thing for Bjork when I was a young man, which coincides with the approximate time this video was recorded. Back then, I thought I was drawn more to her beauty than her eccentricity, but as I watched this video I quickly realized that, despite her unique beauty, I was probably more attracted to her quirkiness!

When all is said and done, I am happy we never met or fell in love with each other.

Bruce Charlton said...

@Wm - Yes, rather like Nigel Tufnel with his guitar collection

@frank - Sad that such a strange creature should have grown-up and worked in the cruel, exploiting and corrupting world of showbiz - maybe she ought to have lived like an elf with a loving and protective family, on a North Icelandic farm.

Dave said...

My only knowledge of Bjork is the propaganda film "Dancer in the Dark", which was not remotely believable. Shy, cute, tearful young women do not get the death penalty, even when 100% guilty beyond all doubt. At most they get 20 years, with parole in 10.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

Bruce, that’s precisely the scene I was thinking of! Also the outtake where they go to the zoo and talk about the gorillas.