For Romantic Christianity, direct personal experience and knowledge are primary (not everything, but primary); for Traditional Christianity 'the church' (of the adherent) is primary (not everything, but primary).
When it comes to the crisis of our times; the spiritual contest between mainstream totalitarian--bureaucratic Leftist atheism, and and real Christianity (a battle that is rapidly becoming open warfare); the Romantic Christian will recognise and act according to his personal revelation and direct insight; while the Traditionalist will (and must) wait for his church to take the lead and organise the response.
But all the Christian churches are substantially (sometimes fully) corrupted by the political, this-worldly perspective of Leftist atheism - so the churches are all too complicit in the evil, too slow to recognise the situation, too muddled in their understanding and responses, too pragmatic and expedient in their responses...
Corruption of the churches is not merely a matter of them being bribed and coerced to go-along-with the mainstream public discourse; but is actual value inversion: the inversion of Good and evil, Virtue and sin, beauty and ugliness, honesty and systematic lies, the unity of creation and the destruction of cohesion...
In sum, all of the major denominations and churches are fail-ing or have-failed in this spiritual war.
Meanwhile, the insightful traditionalist waits and waits... for a lead from his church...
Maybe there will be a response? Perhaps there will not... But that response is very likely to be too little, and almost certain to be too late.
And in this context too-little and too-late means actively leading the flock astray - being On The Wrong Side - absorbing the value inversion, and siding with the dark forces of Satan.
Romantic Christianity may sound feeble and ineffectual - being based-upon the lone individual and perhaps the immediate family; but with things as they actually are, Romantic Christians will soon be the only Christians - and not many of us: i.e. very much the situation predicted by the End Times prophecies.