Monday, 24 October 2022

Irony is weakness

To use irony is, in essence, having it both ways; saying one thing but implying another. 

This is taken as a sign of subtlety and wit - a deliberate 'playfulness' that is much praised in contemporary literature and art; and is certainly appealing at a surface level.

The resulting ambiguity gives access to a larger audience and unifies even Men of opposed tendencies; yet irony is dangerous in these times - a snare that may become a habit. 

This because irony is weakness; it is a hallmark of one who does Not himself know with confidence and surety - and who also does not want to be known as one who operates from solid premises.

And that means weakness; it means lack of courage. 

Courage can only be sustained by solidity, confidence, surety; and sustained courage is essential to choose and keep the side of Good, in a world ruled by evil.